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aegis legend advice


Jan 15, 2018
i'm sorry if this has all ready been posted. I've got a aegis legend and when I change the coil it said the coil isn't being found. sometimes it asks me if its an old coil or new. if I can get to that question I can make the coil work. if this question isn't asked I can't get it to work. I've tried putting the batteries in and out. I've noticed if I put a old coil in again it works. I had to use a new coil. i'm think of buying a freemax mech pro when i'm paid. will I have the same problem with that? what should I do?
Make sure the coil is tight, is this a new pack of coils ? what coils ?
I get an issue sometimes where it will not recognise the ohms of a new coil and try to run it at the ohms of the previous one. I tend to just unscrew the tank on and off till it asks if it's a new coil. Sometimes takes a few trys.
when it asks if new or old coil you need to click the + or - button (as if you were adjusting the wattage) to detect the new coil
Click the fire button without the tank connected to make sure the mod is awake.

Then screw the tank on.

It should recognise it every time then.
Click the fire button without the tank connected to make sure the mod is awake.

Then screw the tank on.

It should recognise it every time then.

ill give that a go cheers
Had the same issue , it has not happened in over 3 months now after updating the firmware.

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