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Aero Dripper (convert your Protank 2/3 or Aerotank into a dripper

Dripper built okay but was really harsh and hot. I have learnt more since then and need to try again it's just hard when you're disheartened with something. That's why I was thinking this might be a good idea just to get a dripper that works and then go from there :)

Though it's a long time until payday, I may just try my remaining drippers again :)

Build a higher ohm coil, drop the mg in the juice.
Aeggil For those who really don't feel able to build coils you can get ready made wick and coil assembled so you just pop it in and trim off the legs... I got a load from fasttech really cheap... silica wicks though which may not suit everyone but takes out the guesswork and need for an ohms reader. .. I use them when I am being lazy or for coil changes at work where I wouldn't have time to build coils otherwise. .. they are higher ohms coils (I have 1.5 ohms but i think they do 1 to 2.4 ohms ones too) and so only suited to those who want a higher ohms... cooler... vape...
Not long after I started vaping,I read about drippers & their better flavour/clouds etc and as I had a few FT replacement heads kicking about I wandered into the kitchen late one night & spotted an old plastic film canister in the drawer(containing the tip lights from my fishing)

An hour later,I had built a working dripper by simply drilling the suitably sized hole to hold a FT head in one end of the canister,& another in the opposite end to hold a drip tip. This device was used for taste testing DIY juices and actually made a blueberry B&M juice palatable(in any other device,it was rank)To further improve the devices ability,I added a piece of wick that fitted in the slots the original heads wick poked through & wrapped this round the entire head(about an inch,if memory serves)

I did intend trying it in a metal canister,but having bought some "proper" RDA's I had no need & forgot about it.

This device (aero dripper) would be a good introduction to dripping type devices,also would probably work well on Ego type batteries which many people start off their vaping journey with.I might even buy myself one to have a play with at mates homes,when they've watched the massive weatherfront clouds I produce from my Mephisto etc & want to try dripping out themselves,as the blank looks I get when trying to explain coils/ohms law etc often mean they've not a hope in hell of trying drippers.
I think this is an awesome idea. :)

You wouldn't know it on forums like this but there's lots of vapers out there unable or unwilling to build their own coils. This opens up dripping to that sector of our community.
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