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Aga-s first impressions

Ive just got the dripping version PF ... its awesome .. I think Im about to order the Aga-t
Glad you like the little one. The whole range seems pretty amazing for the price. I would happily buy the t as I know it's had great reviews and if you like it I believe there are places that will make a glass tube tank replacement for extra last ability. I just can't believe I've waited this long to try mesh-it's soooo flavoursome!
Purplefowler that looks like it could rock a U wick with 2 holes it looks good i wish this had come out before i bought my VH Genesis
thanks for your first impressions please keep us up to date with it
Ok time for a little update. Firstly it doesn't like being refilled! It seems to get little airlocks so it seems to be full when it isn't. I've started using a needle topped bottle and doing it slowly and it's helped. I was also having abit of trouble with actual vapour production. It tasted great and had a nice TH but was distinctly lacking in clouds which was a little disappointing as I see folks on YouTube blowing masses of vapour out of their gennie style atties. So I was having a play and must have not tightened up the top bit properly. Suddenly there was enormous billowing clouds of lovely white vapour-room filling vapour!!! It would appear that the air hole is off by about 1/2 a turn. I don't know if it is to accommodate it either being mesh or silica or if it's a design flaw, but I'm pretty sure it can be fixed with thicker o-rings. It has now gone from being really good to being full on WOO-HOO! I have also heard the aga-t has the same quirk so if you think it should be producing more vapour, just try loosening the top bit :D
You can sand down the rim of the cap a bit (using emery paper) so that the air hole will go further round if you like...
I've just pulled an o-ring off an old dct and that's doing the job perfectly. Vaping like a train on steroids :D
Got the iGo-L this morning. I'm quite busy but couldn't resist making up the first coil. Eureka! Did a nice one first time. I'm finding the cap lifts off easily if you pull off your drip tip so care is required. Lovely flavour. Ill have to work on the vapour but thumbs up so far. As I thought it looks cute on the mini Don ;)
It has a small gap but I can sort that with the adjustable 510 section on the Don
Got the iGo-L this morning. I'm quite busy but couldn't resist making up the first coil. Eureka! Did a nice one first time. I'm finding the cap lifts off easily if you pull off your drip tip so care is required. Lovely flavour. Ill have to work on the vapour but thumbs up so far. As I thought it looks cute on the mini Don ;)

Mark vapour Production ... make sure you have the air hole absolutely lined up with the coil :)

I failed to do that ... but once you do .. plumes mate .. plumes!

Also .. is the mini don VV ? the wire that you got sent will make quite a high ohms coil (mine is 2.9) .. so it could just need more V's

good isnt it!
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