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Nov 3, 2013
I have just got myself a AGA-TD, and I'm having some issues with wicking, I tried the mesh that comes with it but it tasted like arse, so I tried cotton wool, worked for a few draws but it dried out too quick, I was running a single 2.1ohm coil to start with, now I have a dual coil set up running at 1.1ohm with cotton wicks, it seems to wick ok (I think) but tastes nasty, could the juice be contaminated with the burnt arse taste from the previous wicks, specifically the mesh wick?

I can't find my silica to try that, I may have gave it away because I "didn't need it" doh!
No, I had a foggy Kayfun Lite, which vaped like a boss on micro coils, I just didn't like the look of it. I have an igo-l as my all day vape too.

I have never used stainless mesh though, so I will be reading up on that.
ive only been on RBA for about 3 weeks, only ever has success with mesh. Last night stuck some cotton in a T3S with great results. Mesh is hard to beat though
What's the wicking like on mesh compared to cotton? I tend to chain vape on coils around the 2ohm mark and the juice just can't keep up with the cotton in.
You need to be cautious as it can over heat and burn out but it wicks great and should stay wicked. Might be abit difficult getting cotton into the tank though. You could roll a thin stand and pass it down, fill the tank and it should expand on wicking.

Great flavor/vape production though. Better suited to dripper/bottom feed cartos.
Well I've had enough of messing about with mesh, I've watched a load of videos on how to make them properly and each one tastes like crap. I will stick to the cotton for now, it's pretty easy feeding it in.
Watch out for a nearly brand new AGA-TD in the classies in the next couple of days!
I really struggled with the AGA-S until I followed the drill bit method, now I love the vape. Very clean flavours and very easy to build. Keep the faith. I wouldn't bother with the water quenching of mesh. Thorough flaming and 5x pg burns. Wash the atty if it sticks and try again. All the best

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Can you link me to a video that you went off? It's really pissing me off that although I'm following the tutorials exact, it tastes horrible. I will try it your way if you can point me in the right direction, and if I can't get that to work, I will just get myself a stainless kayfun lite.
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