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AGI Dripper/Tank popping flames??


Oct 27, 2013
i used the mesh method on my AGI rebuildable tank dripper today in tank form. setup coming in at 2.4ohm using 1.6 a1 kanthal (3 coils) and 500 mesh. filled it up and it tasted rank. metally burned horrible. this was on my Magneto with 18650 battery. left it for abit and went back on my pro tank 2. anyways i screwed the AGI back on and gave it a few short blasts on the button and it was popping flames every time i pressed from the wick, Shit myself.

so had a new Evic through the door today and fully charged tried the same setup on that at 5.4w and its wash so much better, no flames and no metal burnt taste.
My guess,the magneto is running at way to much power. You might find a higher resistance coil is needed for the Magneto. Somewhere on the forum is a link to a website that you input 2 of the known variables(ohms/volts)and it gives you the watts and amps. Using it,I discovered the watts that gave me the nicest taste on an EGo battery,and then used the website to calculate what ohms coil I needed wind for my other battery.

Sent by lazer from just north of the world's largest nuclear dustbin
I have run 1.1/1.2 ohm coils in a KFL on a magneto & PT2 @ 1.3 but with a fresh battery it sometimes burns the juice in the PT2

freshly charged battery in a VV/Vw mod makes no difference it's what getting put out and 5.4w is nothing to be honest
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