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AGR lockable carto tank

since ive been taking the top off to fill with the nut out ive had pretty much no leakage at all, sometimes a tiny spot just after filling but otherwise dry as a bone, maybe i just got lucky and stumbled onto the right method quickly

mine just leaks wondered if the carto was punctured too much but tried that again.............leaky have give up for now ill get a needle and try again
ive had one of these for 3 days and at first it leaked like hell.
I only punch the carto now with one hole and fill by removing the whole top cap,then remove the fill screw when re fitting top cap,Had no leakeage or gurgling since,
For the price im now well pleased,the taste is very good.
ok noob tank question here...why is this better than dct tanks?...suppose i got to give other devices a try before settling on one :)
theres no reason you cant use dual coil cartos in it, its just designed with boges in mind, as long as the carto doesnt have a lip like say the smoktech ones and it has a standard 510 connection it will work. other than that the big differences are that the end caps screw on with this rather than just push fit and the carto is locked in place by a base plate so it doesnt shift around or slide off the carto
Has anyone tried AGR with the Killer 705, does it fit? How does it fare?
2/3 's of way through pbsardos video review on punching/priming and filling cartos so feel a lot more knowledgable cos of it so think this is on my wish list for sure now :)
no but if youve got a spare killer just send it to me and ill be more than happy to try it out :P

I wish! :P I bought an AGR few days ago, still waiting to be delivered and would like to buy a Killer as well, so I was wondering If had to make another tank purchase along with the Killer. :)
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