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All About The Vape.....


Dec 26, 2017
Hi All,
Been trying to kick a 3 pack a day habit now for 3 years gaping has got me down to 3 days a day with the occasional 1 pack day.
Started off on Aspire pens then moved to a Nautilus on a pen battery (needed two with one permanently on charge :-) ), then moved to the Kanger Aerotank mega, but ditched that due to poor seals on contact.
Swapped to a Subtank Mini V2 with MVP 2 Mods 1.5ohm coils and cheap White label >50% PG VG % not listed juices @ 20mg Nic
Jump forward to 3months ago switched mods to an Eleaf I stick 80w and a Coolfire 4 TC 100w using the Subtanks still but also bought a Protank 4 switched to 0.5 ohm coils and Nasty Juice 70/30 @ 6mg Mic
In the last week have started vaping DTL and after only a week I now can't MTL.
Have just ordered Smok V12 Cloud King and GX350 Mod a sample order of Liberty Flights high VG Fruit juices and RBA's for current tanks. Tried rebuilding but that's a whole new set of issues :-)
Anyway thanks for reading the above Shakespearean epic.
Rach :-)
:hello:and:welcome1: to the planet of the vapes its good to have you here:thumbup:.. and stick with it you will get there in the end ...
Hello @RacKri how are you mate?

Well well well, 3 pack a day habit that's something, but fear not my friend you arrived to the right place. First let me explain why quitting cigar smoking habit is so hard, the 1st thing you will notice is the nicotine withdraw, that symptom will kick in every 2h approx non dependent on the amount you consume, this happens because nicotine is metabolized in your liver and normally takes 2 hours to be processed and eliminated via urine. this means every two hours your body will start to get itchy for another shot of nicotine, 2nd because of the hand habit, what do I mean is by the habit of holding a cigar, this has to do with addiction habits that your brain records, and mimics every time the body demands for that addiction, and 3rd its the worst is the brain addictive image, in other words, your instinctive part of the brain the cerebellum keeps reminding you that you need to go for a smoke.

There are now a couple of things that you can go to help you.
one most important you need to make up your mind and decide either you will try hard to quit or not, if the answer here is maybe, then go back to smoking you wont make it.
second after making up your mind you need to find something that will satisfy your habits, brain, hand and mouth habits, that's where vaping comes in, because you can "simulate" smoking but with extras, what do I mean by extras, flavors, specially if you (your brain) likes them, repeating this action for a month will re-program your brain to ask you for the vape rather than the smoke, the mod also gives you something to fiddle with and keeps your hands entertained, drippers here have the advantage because if keeps them busy dripping all the time they vape. With this actions slowly over the course of 2/3 months the instinctive information recorded in your cerebellum will fade and lose effectiveness or will be substituted by the vaping instinct.

Now Nicotine.
If you are smoking 1 pack a day depending on the brand you will be inhaling approx. 3 to 6 mg nicotine on a daily basis. What I would recommend to you is to buy a nicotine addictive flavourless, and calculate how much you need to add to your juice to make it 1.5mg/ml of juice, assuming you will vape direct lung (DL), using a dripper or an RTa you will for sure consume at least 2/3ml a day of eliquid, that will give your body 3 to 4.5mg nicotine intake a day, I would also recommend to have two tanks one with the nicotine additive and one without it, the reason behind it is, nicotine is not good for us humans, so you should eliminate that addiction. Let me give you an example, right now you feel the itchy for the nicotine running down your spine and you go outside and hit 3/4 strokes on your vape with the nicotine in, by doing that you are satisfying the demand for the drug, body and brain satisfied you can go back in and keep on with your stuff, but then what will happen is a friend comes by your desk 30 min later and asks if you wanna go for a smoke :D and offcourse you grab your vape and go right, yup that's where the swap for the nicotine free tank should happen. WHY? well because nicotine takes 2hours to be "used" and eliminated from your body and 30min before you had your nicotine shot done. right now you just need to satisfy you hands and your brain from the habit not the addiction to nicotine, by doing that you will be able to gradually reduce the nicotine and eventually eliminate it.

Well I wrote a lot sorry for the wall of text hope it helps it helped me I am smoke and nicotine free, I used to smoke a pack a day since I was 14yo, I am 35+ :P, and I quit smoking in less then a month.

Cheers and once again welcome.
Hello @RacKri , Nice to meet you mate !!!
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