I've noticed on my kayfun lite that when I use Capella caramel flavour to my mix it pisses out the air hole but when I don't it's fine WTF I wonder if it's thinner
I brought one and followed various tutorials on youtube etc. I have wasted loads of juice with it coming out of the side. I ended up blocking the hole on the side "not the airfeed, under the coil" with cotton wool as everytime I took a vape my hand was covered in juice.
I still wasnt that impressed with it and turned it into a dripper style. that said I prefer drippers as I can never get that much vape from a tank.
I hope you get on better with it than I do, fingers crossed they have solved the leaking problem out of the side.
I am surprised to read the issues people are having with them, apart from a couple of user errors, I haven't had a single issue with mine at all. They are really easy to build, great flavour and vapour production and low maintainence.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Either the clones really are crap or lots of people can't build them right/well.
Zero leakage at all from mine. Unless you force it by flooding the chamber on purpose the blowing it out the airhole.
As long as the chimney o ring is seated correctly it shouldn't leak at all from either end. In fact my russian 91 sits in my laptop bag on a paps as a backup/ ever reliable device. I've never lost a drop of liquid.
Gotta say I never had any issue with my clones leaking. (I always used the top fill method). Had 3 tanks through my real one and have had no leakage except from a bad O-Ring in the tank section, where I nipped it in the threads.
bought a kayfun lite + in january (typical they bring a new one out the month after) but i've never heard of this leaking out of the airhole business (sounds more like user error) its never happened to me, and as for the other change i've never had anything leak out of the top cap either. and i always fill upside down through the screw hole. so cant see any benefit i would have from this, drip tips nice though.
I've got a hcigar clone, no issues, and also an authentic KFL+ v2 and never had a leak anywhere from either. Using micro coils and cotton in both. Using bobas bounty in the clone I have to have a quick dry puff with my finger over the airhole to help wicking when chain vaping, and even then after a couple of bubbles pop up I still never even get a gurgle. Using a much thinner juice in the authentic and that wicks fine.