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Altus by guo....the review!

Sorry to hear that it wrecked your mod. This tank just tries to solve a problem that doesn't exist: the "problem" of normal coils. Normal coils are brill. Change the shape, size, position etc for totally different performance and flavour. Choose different materials, with different desirable properties. It's cheap as chips too; for the price of an altus you could get a lifetime's worth of coiling material. If you can't be arsed with coiling then get a subtank/clearomizer style setup with replaceable cartridges. There is no problem here. That means it's just a gimmick--a marketing differentiator to set it aside from the sea of competition.

Thanks for the heads-up. I'll definitely avoid.
Not cool! We've swapped the fuse on the board but it is still fucked. It not says warranty service, so something has changed. Sticking an atty on was a bad idea, as soon as it made contact, it auto fired with every bit of power it had! I've never seen my OH move so quick to get the battery disconnected! It was almost worth all this crap just for that comedy moment. But my mod is fucked so once again....do not buy an Altus!
Not cool! We've swapped the fuse on the board but it is still fucked. It not says warranty service, so something has changed. Sticking an atty on was a bad idea, as soon as it made contact, it auto fired with every bit of power it had! I've never seen my OH move so quick to get the battery disconnected! It was almost worth all this crap just for that comedy moment. But my mod is fucked so once again....do not buy an Altus!
I've got to say I'm not 100% sure it's the Altus that caused the problem as thiat type of fault has been reported several times to Evolv since the start of production, However I'll agree it is an overly complicated power hog with the worst wicking system you could imagine. I loved the idea of this tank - It's just that the execution is poor and the CVU chip still needs some work before it can be called a workable device.
The potential for great things is there, if the CVU can be improved so that it warms up faster and doesn't eat batteries like a fat man going through a pie shop (I speak from experience), if the wicking system can be sorted out from a major operation to the simple way we do things with "normal" coils - then this type of atty will change the way people vape! Just imagine - no more changing or building coils, Instant switching between TC and Wattage vaping, no worries about metal nanoparticles just a simple straightforward, wick, fill and vape...
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