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Amending the tobacco directive

These proposed amendments are a step in the right direction, nothing more.

Limiting sales to over 18's is a positive step, as is allowing flavourings, but raising the limit on nicotine content to 30mg/ml will still leave some vapers miffed, there appears to still be attempts to limit cross border sales and the thing that sticks in my craw the most is the reference to article 6 (4).

This states "Member States shall prohibit the use of the following additives in tobacco products: (a) vitamins and other additives that create the impression that a tobacco product
has a health benefit or presents reduced health hazards, or
(b) caffeine and taurine and other additives and stimulant compounds that are
associated with energy and vitality, or
(c) additives having colouring properties for emissions."

(b) means that my beloved Green Cow would still be banned even if flavourings are allowed and they can feck off if they think that's acceptable.
But Steffi, that article refers to 'tobacco products' so it cannot apply.

So that doesn't cover NCPs then?

If so then that's one more step in the right direction I suppose, but seeing as e-cigs are included in the TOBACCO PRODUCTS directive despite not actually being tobacco in the first place, it wouldn't surprise me one bit to see them include NCPs in that article.
No, you're right Steff. I wasn't thinking. We are dealing with people who are intent on medicinalising a product that is quite obviously not a medicine so I suppose anything is possible. I'll retract what I said and take up my seat in the corner and gently sway back and forth waiting to see what develops.
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