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American Lung Association EXPOSED




It’s no secret that Pfizer is losing money on it’s failed cessation products; such as Chantix & Nicotrol. As it turns out, when your product kills your customers (500 suicides and counting), you lose customers. Q3-2013 earnings were down 15%, “amid continuing safety concerns…”
Also, the Nicotrol Inhaler is losing market share to new generation electronic cigarettes and Pfizer is scrambling to reclaim that lost market. One method has been to publicly scrutinize electronic cigarettes due to “safety concerns”, which is ironic, considering that their Nicotrol Inhaler is nearly identical in form and function:

Additionally, one well known group, the American Lung Association, has been especially active in this continued debate over electronic cigarettes and has taken a hardline stance against these harm reduction products for all sorts of different reasons – regardless of relevance or scientific evidence.
We wanted to find out why, exactly, the American Lung Association was so active in this fight, considering that e-cigarettes are accomplishing what the ALA has been attempting to accomplish for decades – getting people to quit smoking.
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