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Another annoying newbie

:hello:and :welcome1:to the planet......
You have come to the right Forum site there is always another ape here to help you with all your vaping needs and a bit of laugh we are a good bunch on here so get stuck in and enjoy.....
Hello there’s nothing annoying about a newbie.,a new member a new quitter maybe,someone to help..
We love newbies..
Welcome along, enjoy the forum this is the best place to learn all stuff vaping.
Thanks all for the warm welcome .
I have been vaping on and off for a couple of years using a variety of vaping instruments but just couldn't kick the fags! Anyway a few months back I found out I'm going to be a dad so I thought this is the time to quit after over 10 years of smoking. I didn't really understand too much about the vaping world so just jumped in and bought an Alien 220 (Just because it looked cool with the trigger style fire button) and I've not had a fag since . I've decided I'm ready to start building my own coils now after going through a ton of the smok x4 coils and a lot of cash so that's what my first questions will be about but I believe I've to post that in a different section?!
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