What's new

Another new feature!


Staff member
Jul 10, 2012
New and improved chatbox!
Can be found at the bottom of the homepage, can add this to all pages but not sure if it's worth it yet, we will see.
Apparently we can now use hashtags and mentions in chat but might require a little bit of tweaking.

If you require a special chatroom for a specific reason. Give me a shout and I'll get you setup with your own room.

More features to follow!! Exciting!

P.S While you're down there looking at the new chat feel free to help us out and click on a couple of the ads in the right hand column. It ain't cheat being this awesome! ;)
P.P.S If you'd like to help us get the amazing version of the chat we need to raise a massive £32!

Lets build, donate!
there ya go .. would have done more .. but am el brokio
If we win the lotto tonight OS im sure the both of us could squeeze the rest of the donations between us.... After I have purchased my new sports car :38:
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