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Anybody know a clearo/carto/tank for 100% VG juices???


Nov 13, 2013
Tried mini protanks, iclear 16, iclear 30, iclear 30B, T3s on 100% VG and i get a burning rubber taste, due to thick 100% vg liquid not been absorbed well enough into wicks; any suggestions as to what tanks i can try that wont taste burnt rubber????? ......was thinking the aspire davide tanks?????? or would that be the same with 100% vg??? thanks...
I have 100% vg in the Davide seems ok, no wicking issues this end i am using genuine Kanger coils though.
What juice are you using? The only "100%" juice ive used that gave me any trouble was "she who must not be named" 100% VG Juice. Goose juice runs fine thru everything ive got including protanks and iclear 30 and 30s

Sent From My Galaxy S4
Simple answer. 100% VG juices vape perfectly in any BCC (evod, davide,protank,) , if you discard the additional flavour wicks. Works for me,anyway.
You could try a std carto tank and boge cartos,but use a carto punch and put 4 holes in instead of 2,used to work for me.
My coils tend to get gunked up when using 100% vg

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