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Anyone drip above 1 ohm for flavour?


Jan 1, 2015
Havnt dripped for a while and fancied a few toots on my dripper, out came the tobh Atty and I built a 1.5 ohm single coil because I only have 12mg juices at the moment and didn't want to rip my throat out.

Got to say it was really nice. Usually go for 0.4 dual coil with 3mg juice but have to say this high ohm build even with 12mg was super smooth and tons of flavour. Pretty decent clouds too considering.

I tend to buy lots of 12mg as my all day everyday Vape and a couple of 15ml bottles of 3mg to drip on an evening when watching TV relaxing. This has got me thinking.

Is there really any point in buying extra juices at 3mg when I can just build higher and enjoy my regular juices on a dripper built higher? Not worried about clouds just the flavour I chase.

Does anyone else regularly do this? Sure a high VG low nic is nice to have around for when you want to do your best dragon impression but purely for flavour think I will stick to my 60/40 VG pg 12mg juices.

What's your thoughts? Interested to know if anyone else does this regularly.
Havnt dripped for a while and fancied a few toots on my dripper, out came the tobh Atty and I built a 1.5 ohm single coil because I only have 12mg juices at the moment and didn't want to rip my throat out.

Got to say it was really nice. Usually go for 0.4 dual coil with 3mg juice but have to say this high ohm build even with 12mg was super smooth and tons of flavour. Pretty decent clouds too considering.

I tend to buy lots of 12mg as my all day everyday Vape and a couple of 15ml bottles of 3mg to drip on an evening when watching TV relaxing. This has got me thinking.

Is there really any point in buying extra juices at 3mg when I can just build higher and enjoy my regular juices on a dripper built higher? Not worried about clouds just the flavour I chase.

Does anyone else regularly do this? Sure a high VG low nic is nice to have around for when you want to do your best dragon impression but purely for flavour think I will stick to my 60/40 VG pg 12mg juices.

What's your thoughts? Interested to know if anyone else does this regularly.

On my Stillare V2 I occasionally use a simple 1 ohm single microcoil for custards (and I tend to usually vape in the region of 0.2-0.4ohm). Seems to work really well for flavour, good cloud production with the airflow wide open, and definitely enjoyable.

Whatever works for you at the end of the day!
My daily all rounder is a single micro coil in a dripper @ 1.4 - 1.5ohm. I was on 6mg but i've gone back up to 12mg now. If i had my way i'd vape 8 or 9mg with that set up, works a treat but not enough vendors offer the option for that strength, i think it's a bit overlooked.
I'm also on a vw device though so like usual it can be tweaked to preference. No shame in higher resistance build imo, it was considered quite low once upon a time. I get everything i want from that. :thumbup:
I use the magma and plumeveil on single coil around 1 ohm with my standard 12mg juice. I just drop the nic when I dual coil and bump the airflow and wattage
I mainly use drippers and always have the same set up and have done for years. 1.6ohm single coil and 18mg juice - perfect for me.
Through the day I use a mini octopus dripper with a drilled air hole at work and have it either single or dual coil but always between 1 and 1.4 ohms. It's small enough that the vape is still on the warmer side even at lower watts and its amazing for flavour without fogging the entire place out :D Whenever I make a liquid I go to that to taste it before any other method.

With that setup I don't worry what strength liquid I'm throwing in it as it's much more forgiving than anything I use at home. I happily vaped the last of my 12mg stuff through it even though at the time I was exclusively using 3mg.

Also worth giving a flat drip tip a try if you haven't already as for me personally that really intensifies the flavour.
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1.3-2.0 oHm on a kayfunalike and Lemo Drop. 0.8 for Dripping. 12-16mg in my Tanks at 12-18watts, 3-6mg in Drippers at the same wattage
1.3 ohm single on hermes
1 to1.2 on HellFire top hole
Both have small chambers and air holes

Sent from (who cares) using Planet of the Vapes
Most of my drippers are about 1ohm,I only have one about 0.5 nothing lower.
It's all about nicotine for me, flavour is second and clouds wtf is that about?
For me clouds are like pouring money down the drain, if that is what others want to do then good for them.
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