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Anyone ever annoyed by your clouds?

Blazing Atoms

Feb 9, 2023
I'm a subohm vaper and I only ever vape outdoors. Just recently heard both my neighbours and beyond all stood outside moaning about the fog, they call their children in from the garden and slam windows shut. Also passing comments that it can be smelt "halfway up the street'
I have come to far to give up the simple pleasure I enjoy. I am a considerate neighbour but this is starting to make me feel anger towards them as they think they own the place!
I would confront them but why should i?
As an MTLer, generally no as there is little vapour I produce. Having said that, I am mindful of some folks’ objection to anything “smoke” related and go out of my way to make sure- as far as possible - that no one is engulfed in the little vapour there is.
In todays anti-vaping environment, I do what I can to give people as few reasons as possible to get on the “ban it” bandwagon (although I fear the damage is now done).
I’ve never understood the attraction of big clouds. Do you actually get something out of it that you wouldn’t with less???
Do you actually get something out of it that you wouldn’t with less???
I just love big clouds and tons of favour, they were at it when I smoked now 3 years later its the same with vaping. I understand not engulfing people but I'm not prepared to walk to the end of the garden for a few drags. I'm on my own property so don't really see why I should change anything.
Well, my neighbours either side can do one in any case. More generally I've been asked to "turn it down", local landlady just says to me "Andy, your vape"
That's usually when I'm tanked and forget to get the tootle puffer out. Generally I'm normally outside, so not an issue, apart from one sun terrace where the pub manager is know to say nicely to me "Andy, is that necessary"
I’ve never understood the attraction of big clouds. Do you actually get something out of it that you wouldn’t with less???
Flavour and clouds all day bro, using a Profile Unity of course, it's the ultimate flavour machine but i do turn the airflow down to 2 or 3 airholes, from the usual 4.
I just love big clouds and tons of favour, they were at it when I smoked now 3 years later its the same with vaping. I understand not engulfing people but I'm not prepared to walk to the end of the garden for a few drags. I'm on my own property so don't really see why I should change anything.
You and I both know that the effects of “passive vaping” are unlikely to be anything significant but it clearly concerns some people.
Fortunately I don’t have to worry about neighbours (being surrounded by fields), but in a previous life I would not go out of my way to antagonise a neighbour with something that clearly - rightly or wrongly - upsets them.
ive had the usual morons, wafting there hands & coughing when im out say at the seafront & the thing is they usually got a cig in there hand & they get told too politely jog on.

best one though is when me & mrs had too get a bus afew months back we was both tooting away on our pods, now this was one of these open bus stops & some old slapper, was you cant smoke here, i educated her & told her we aint smoking its called vaping & told her she should be more concerned about the air pollution...
we aint smoking its called vaping
I try to treat my vaping as if i were smoking around non smokers. I sit in a lean to outside the back door and puff away, unfortunately i cannot control in which direction the wind blows. Where ever i go the wind blows in that direction, seems the vapour is entering their house through the open windows and obviously drifting up the road.
I try to treat my vaping as if i were smoking around non smokers. I sit in a lean to outside the back door and puff away, unfortunately i cannot control in which direction the wind blows. Where ever i go the wind blows in that direction, seems the vapour is entering their house through the open windows and obviously drifting up the road.

erm so do i, when im out & about im using something like my puremax with 0.8 coil so harly chucking out huge clouds, ive got set ups for clouds which i only use at home most cos they are dual 21700 mods & not exactly pocket friendly.
I habitually carry an MTL setup when I go out and never chain vape outdoors so it's never been an issue. I'm sure some people don't like it but I try to find a quiet spot with few people around and only take 5 or 6 hits before pocketing it and moving on so I don't think I'm being unreasonable.
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