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Anyone ever annoyed by your clouds?

I habitually carry an MTL setup when I go out and never chain vape outdoors so it's never been an issue. I'm sure some people don't like it but I try to find a quiet spot with few people around and only take 5 or 6 hits before pocketing it and moving on so I don't think I'm being unreasonable.
I cant be dealing with mtl doesnt give me that full lung intensity i desire. Have a pod but go out so rarely its not worth using. i have 5 rdas in rotation.
I habitually carry an MTL setup when I go out and never chain vape outdoors so it's never been an issue. I'm sure some people don't like it but I try to find a quiet spot with few people around and only take 5 or 6 hits before pocketing it and moving on so I don't think I'm being unreasonable.

i tend too carry around a RDl pod for when out & about & especially when im on my motorbike i can have a quick toot while sitting at lights & junctions.
I cant be dealing with mtl doesnt give me that full lung intensity i desire. Have a pod but go out so rarely its not worth using. i have 5 rdas in rotation.

My preference is DL, but after completely clouding out my car several times I decided a change to MTL was in order to avoid killing someone or myself. After I adjusted to it, which took a while and a lot of experimentation, I got into the habit of pocketing an MTL setup whenever I went out of the house. Generally I' would always vape DL at home, but in recent years I've been vaping MTL in the mornings/afternoons and switching to DL in the evenings. I also like that 'full lung intensity' of DL vaping, particularly with a dual coil RDA at 80 Watts, but I over time I've found I can get the same enjoyment and flavour from a low powered MTL device.

At home I don't mind dripping, refilling a tank, or even rebuilding, but when outdoors I don't need that hassle and a single 18650 mod, MTL tank and a 10ml bottle of juice will easily last me all day - I can't remember the last time I carried a DL setup when outdoors and as things are I wouldn't consider it.
Nope. Mtl vape exclusively and have done for a while now. You're allowed to vape in my local social so no bother there, not that it really matters as I vape everywhere. Car, plane, train, bar, restaurant, bowling, cinema, ice skating, the barbers, really doesn't matter. Get my nicotine and produce so little vapour nobody is any the wiser. I likes a nice, easy life with no bother. I bother nobody and nobody bothers me. Although I only vape fruit if out and about. Vaping a tobacco flavour indoors stinks it out like you just lit a fag. Everybody knows instantly. Fruity and discreetly for the 🏆
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Generally I am fairly considerate

I have been sat in a site cabin eating, and obviously noone would smoke nowadays, but had someone vaping next to me, which I thought was taking the piss somewhat (I didn't complain (nor look at them disapprovingly( nor cough though)

Out on site I the open air, anyone complains, I don't care though (smoking or vaping tbh) and given a choice between not doing so and keep my job or go, I go

My garden, I do what I want, I don't tell my neighbours what to do, nor will they tell me

Where it's tricky for me is queing up outside to get in somewhere I won't be able to vape, like a concert. I try to stand to the side while the Mrs ques (but then you get looks when you rejoin), and then you see others doing it and in the end you just think, fuck it
It's an interesting debate. Part of me would always think - my property, I'll do as I please, but there's little worse than upset neighbours. I had a neighbour once who burnt stuff in his garden almost on a daily basis. The fumes and smell affected my quality of life. It was eventually addressed and he agreed to a fire once a week on the same day (a day I would never have guests round).

Rightly or wrongly, what you are doing is affecting them adversely (in their minds). I would seek to minimise this for the sake of cordial relationships and peace, both internally as well as with your neighbours.

I vape as I choose indoors and never in the company of strangers/visitors. When in company our outdoors I am cautious as to when I hit it. I think we all should be. The last thing we need is more and more turning against vaping. Having a friendly relationship with such neighbours might give you the opportunity one day to educate them on vaping and their fears around it
I was savaged by a neighbours dog (that was visiting), the man of the house never even apologised and when I pulled him on it he said "nothing to do with me, not my dog", so he can do one. I'm nice enough not to purposely blow massive clouds in his face, although I have been tempted.
I suppose it comes down to what is reasonable behaviour
Burning stuff in the garden weekly is imo still totally unreasonable, a few times a year when people's windows are shut and washing is not out is acceptable I suppose but I still avoid it.

My thinking is always to accept more "inconvenience " than I cause.
For example my dogs barking is kept to an absolute minimum, yet I do not complain when other dogs close by bark 10x more
Next door but ones dogs barks solidly and howl regularly but mine only occasionally, but who did the neighbour in between shout "shut up" at? Mine!
Clearly the problem is not the dog, and that used to really affect my mindset, trying to appease somebody who clearly hated me no matter what I did!

Something seemed to change in me during lockdown, now i stand at my back door (a good 5 metres form the boundary fwiw) producing clouds and chuckling while my neighbour snip snips away the other side of the fence, knowing she probably wants to have a rant at me, but unfortunately Eddie the whippet is having a meltdown next door!
Some people will never be happy is my thought

Fwiw, I have just figured as I wrote this, what changed during lockdown, Eddie the whippet arrived next door but one!

Strange that it took that for me to realise I wasn't the problem
It's an interesting debate. Part of me would always think - my property, I'll do as I please, but there's little worse than upset neighbours. I had a neighbour once who burnt stuff in his garden almost on a daily basis. The fumes and smell affected my quality of life. It was eventually addressed and he agreed to a fire once a week on the same day (a day I would never have guests round).

Rightly or wrongly, what you are doing is affecting them adversely (in their minds). I would seek to minimise this for the sake of cordial relationships and peace, both internally as well as with your neighbours.

I vape as I choose indoors and never in the company of strangers/visitors. When in company our outdoors I am cautious as to when I hit it. I think we all should be. The last thing we need is more and more turning against vaping. Having a friendly relationship with such neighbours might give you the opportunity one day to educate them on vaping and their fears around it
I get on with the neighbours so that's not the issue, it's just at the back of my mind I know that they dont like it. I only go out every 30 mins for about ten lung hits and I'm done. It's our location and prevailing wind that's causing it.
Being in recovery from alcohol abuse and quitting fag's, it's like my guilty pleasure but I don't want my hand to be forced to change what I do but at the same time I don't want to be seen as inconsiderate.
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