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MTL asMODus ANANI mtl rta

I bought one couple days ago based on these reviews. Very muted flavor. I'd tried 3 different coils, same result. Very disapointed.
The scourge of mtl.
You can't appeal to everyone's juice tastes/build styles.
As we said in another thread. Loads of folks rely on the kayfun prime for the best vape to measure all others against (The rta along with the lite that this borrowed heavily from) but I've never had a decent vape from the prime.
Horses for courses and you can only report your own experiences.
Thanks eyball kid
I've been enjoying using the Anani. I stick with a simple round wire coil, 26g, 8 wraps, 2.5 ID with simple Muji cotton.
I like the draw and think the flavour is pretty good. I've settled with a nice Strawberry/Watermelon juice.
I even like the Ultem though I'd like to change the green O-rings.
It's in daily use and sits in rotation with my other RTA's
The scourge of mtl.
You can't appeal to everyone's juice tastes/build styles.
As we said in another thread. Loads of folks rely on the kayfun prime for the best vape to measure all others against (The rta along with the lite that this borrowed heavily from) but I've never had a decent vape from the prime.
Horses for courses and you can only report your own experiences.

I bought the Wotofo COG too. Very good flavor, but too airy airflow, like Aqua Master V2. I have a Berserker and can't find another atty with the same restriction/flavor.
I bought the Wotofo COG too. Very good flavor, but too airy airflow, like Aqua Master V2. I have a Berserker and can't find another atty with the same restriction/flavor.
Yeah I did report here pretty quickly and then later in my review that the cog which decides the airflow diameter doesn't deal properly with the under coil hole allowing extra air to ingress. You can add about 50% more airflow on each setting.
Still a decent rta if a tad lightweight but more airy than most would like.
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