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Aspire Atlantis V2.0--low ohm coil

+1 for the RBA deck to be included this time around. This is a massive selling point with other sub ohm tanks on the market

Have passed your suggestion to our products development department.:)
Have passed your suggestion to our products development department.:)

Awesome, that would be incredible if that was included. Would make the Atlantis 2 very competitive with the Subtank and Delta II.

The original Atlantis was a cloud machine, but in my opinion was let down by the lack of an RBA deck, if we could get an RBA deck in there too I (and a lot of others) would be very pleased :)
Sounds good. Do you have any pics of the RBA section that is coming out?

Sorry,I have no pictures for our new products,they are kept in top secrecy.:17:
I have passed your suggestion for RBA section to our products development department,but I can not make sure if it will be took into account on our new products.
If customers have any new design or suggestions,can talk to us,we will pass all the design and suggestions to our products development depart,all the design or suggestion have the change be took into account.

Best regards!
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