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Review Aspire ESP 30W Box Mod

feedback on esp 30w

The ego adaptors supplied with the MVP20/30w fit nicely. :)

Interesting to read the OPs view on this. These where my thoughts after first use. :)
Hope ya don't mind me tagging it along with the orrigional post.

I reached for the ESP around 6 last night, the usual time my hands go to poo, and have been using it all of today. I've run about 3 1/2 - 4 sub tanks of different juices through, Cosmic fog shocker, The Vial plantains de brûlée, Nick's Blissful brews Lush, & Ben Jonson's Jumanji. I had to put it on charge at 7.30 (3hr charge time on 5s/iPad mini 5mAh plug). I've been running 16-17w (static 18w for all juices with MVPs) I'm guessing this is due to LiPo over the usual cells in box mods. I've also had to make minor power changes for some juices.
The ESP is light, and sits in the hand very comfortably. The fire button has a nice positive click, but light enough to use with one finger/thumb, even when my hands decide to act the maggot and stop working. With the MVP at that stage I have to use 2 hands, one to hold the box, and a second finger on top of the one on the fire button. I really like the chunky feel and build of the MVPs, but they're just not useable for me in the evenings. That point on its own make the ESP a winner for me.
My subtank minis both sit about 1/2mm off the face of the ESP, but doesn't affect use in any way, it's purely a cosmetic thing. The adjuster knob did get a bit 'glitchy' on one occasion last night, I was playin around with it, at 9w I turned it up, and nothing happened. About 2 seconds later, it jumped straight to 12w, then worked perfectly, and has done since. (I was playin with it on purpose) This may become an issue if you normally change settings a lot, I don't feel the need to do this at all with the MVPs, and only need to change the ESP by 1-2w for some juices so can't see any issues down the line. I've also noticed, the ESP shows both tanks @ 1.2ohm, while both MVPs show one @ 1.3 and the other @ 1.4ohm. Make of that what you will. :) It's light enough that without a tank, you wouldn't notice it in your pocket when out and about, making it ideal as a backup if your out for a while and don't want to run out of power.
This is now my 'go to' mod in the evenings, light, easy to use, nicely balanced with the subtank mini, and good staying power. Day and a half in, I'm impressed, I'll update with any issues.
On a personal note, I'm a sucker for the look of the ESP with the carbon and graphics. :D

The more I think on the 'glitchy' issue, the more I'm inclined to suggest a display issue over a faulty adjuster. I moved the adjuster what would have been about 3w, then stopped moving it. The display hopped to 12w, like the display had 'froze' then cleared.

Hi all been using the esp 30w mod box for about 2 weeks and the wattage is now stuck and i cannot adjust the wattage. Other people have had this issue as well seems like a manufacture fault
Hi all been using the esp 30w mod box for about 2 weeks and the wattage is now stuck and i cannot adjust the wattage. Other people have had this issue as well seems like a manufacture fault

I've had mine for 2 weeks now too, I have seen that there have been issues with faulty adjustment, and I seen one that wasn't charging. From what I've seen online, Aspire seem to be aware of this, and retailers/aspire are replacing the faulty items.
Usual T&Cs, no connections, own folding etc.

Aspire ESP30w update.
I've been using this daily for a couple of weeks now, it's my 'go to' mod come 5-6pm to around 11.30-12. No mater how bad my hands have been, I can use this single handed, so a definite win on that front for me. Using a subtank mini @18-22w and a few tanks with the Atlantis @28-30w (sub ohm coil) I can get 2 nights use between charges comfortably. Using the Atlantis most of the night will bring a full charge down by just over 2/3. For me, that means a charge the next morning, or using the 'pass through' vape while charging ability (MVP20 & 30w allow this too.) but TBH, I'm not a fan of that, I prefer to let any batteries to have a 'clean' charge cycle. I'm pretty sure that's just me bein a bit anal ! :)
So, the part most people will be interested in, problems ! I was getting slightly concerned after the glitchy episode when I first used it, so I done something I don't normally bother with, the scratch code check, and I had got the ESP from Amazon @ £33. Scratched, checked, LEGIT !
Safety net in place I felt a bit better. I started seeing a couple of other ESP users complaining of watts/voltage not changing, and one of not charging. There have been a few issues reported, but Aspire are aware of these, and are replacing faulty devices without any fight/arguments, and one didn't even need to send the faulty item back. This may make paying 'full' price worth it for peace of mind in case of any issues. (It's only £6 more than the cheapest around) Mine has been completely fine. As it turns out, since getting the Atlantis I've been swapping tanks, regularly changing the wattage for the sub and Atlantis, for different juices, and different air settings. The ESP has done what I wanted, when I wanted, with no problems at all, or recurrence of the glitch on the first night. The adjuster knob was quite stiff when new, this has eased with use, without getting too loose or sloppy. You do need to make 'positive' movement of the knob, as it has an 'anti accidental movement' feature, any small, or slow movement (in pocket/bag) won't register or change settings.
The ESP is ridiculously light and compact, so perfect as a 'stealth' vape for out and about if that's your thing, a back up for 'just in case', or just a neat mod for everyday use, that can slip in your pocket/bag that won't feel like you've got a half brick or can of baked beans in there. 'Full' price is around £40, I payed £33 for mine, from a UK seller on Amazon (now selling @ £34) I have seen some well known UK ecig retailers selling these for as much as 45-49 quid !
Personally, I love this mod, it does exactly what I need it to, and looks really good too. I know some people hate the carbon fibre body, describing it as 'tacky fake carbon effect'. 'Tacky' is a personal view, so a valid comment, 'fake' is just wrong, it's not fake carbon. :)
Would I spend my money on one ? Well, I did, and don't regret the spend. In fact, I just bought another one yesterday (from the same seller) for herself !
Would I recommend it ? Like everything, everyone has there own criteria of what they need/want/willing to spend their hard earned on, so I can't say ' go and buy one right now!' But,
I'd definitely recommend putting an ESP high on the list when looking for a 30w box mod.
I've had mine for 2 weeks now too, I have seen that there have been issues with faulty adjustment, and I seen one that wasn't charging. From what I've seen online, Aspire seem to be aware of this, and retailers/aspire are replacing the faulty items.

Its just a shame that a premium product sold at £40+ is producing these faults within 10 days. Testing testing testing ! They dont do enough they just produce and start selling!
Its just a shame that a premium product sold at £40+ is producing these faults within 10 days. Testing testing testing ! They dont do enough they just produce and start selling!

It's the way things are these days, Rush product out, let the customer base do the R&D. Microsoft have been doing it for years with the windows OS. I would say though, there's no need to pay £40+ for these, I've bought 2 now, 1 @ £33 and the 2nd @ £34, both legit Aspire products. I've seen them for sale @ £49.99 !
Sorry, completely forgot !
Must write this shit down if/when it happens.

Last week, the ESP had a case of dishonesty. I was switching a tank from the MVP30 the the ESP for the evening. When I screwed the tank on, 'check atomiser' showed on the screen, I reached for my other subtank, same thing, and the same again with the Atlantis. They all worked fine on the MVP. At this point, the screen stopped working.(*)
I then plugged the charge lead in, charge light was red. The low voltage cut off had completely shut it down. ( nice to know this works) The check atomiser warning should have said 'check battery.
It hasn't done this again, and does show check battery when it needs charged.
A further small point, the fire/charge light is blue when firing, red when it need charged, and green when charged, the instructions (and Aspires own web site) say when the light turns green it's fully charged. When I first charged mine, I checked about a half hour after the light turned green, the battery indicator was still at its lowest point. This doesn't change until the battery has been 'unlocked' again. When I done this, it wasn't fully charged. I discovered, like the MVPs, the green charge light turns off when it's fully charged, (a couple of hours after the indicator changed from red to green) oddly, only when I use my iPad mini charge socket.
This light that is actually quite informative, has been helpfully placed on the base of the battery, just where you can't actually see it when in use.

(*) I was feeling gutted at this point, I thought it had taken a dump and failed totally. I wasn't concerned about any problems getting it replaced, more the time I'd be without it while it was being replaced. IF the indicator light had been sited where it could be seen when in use this minor panic would have avoided.
Update time again.
I seen a report of a 'new' issue. An ape on this forum had an ESP mis reading, then not reading the coils.
My own, the 1st I bought has now started doing this now. I had thought it was a dodgy Aspire coil, no such luck. Do another to the increasing list of dead ESP30s.
I now get to see how good/bad the Amazon seller of these is.
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