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Atomiser maintenance!


Apr 19, 2013
Think I have clogged up my atomisers, everything tastes burnt/nasty.
I have been vaping on a Tornado tank for the last month, (no smoking for 3 weeks.)
My e-juice starter selection is 36mg, that was obviously too strong and I have been diluting with about 1/3 VG.
Just the one that I bought in the baking isle in my local supermarket.

Have I clogged up my atomiser?
Is there any way I can clean it up or do I need to source replacements.
Could it be something else that I have done?

Thanks in advance
I'm not sure about this system but generally atomizers need either maintenance or replacement as they are normally consumable items.
Unless it's classified as a rebuildable. with replaceable parts in which case you can maintain them.
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