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Does this mean I have to empty my spare drip tips from a vandyvape box and put them in a spare vaporesso box ?
Then ive recycled a vaporesso box into a ... Erm ... box for stuffs that I keep in a box.
I prefer to keep the boxes and have a cupboard full to keep spares and bits separated so I know what O rings go with which tank and so forth!
If I recycled the boxes then I have a whole selection of bits with No clue as to what goes where?
All jokes aside I agree I keep the boxes for the parts related to the specific device as you say you know what goes with what device.
Hi, dear all,
Thanks for your all suggestions, no matter good or bad.
The reason we are doing it is considering the background that product packing boxes generate a lot of waste, many of which are over-packaging. After unpacking, many packing boxes ending thrown away without any valuable reuse. We want spark people's awareness of environmental protection and devote themselves to environmental protection from daily life, and turn these useless boxes into lifestyle, like container, decorations etc., And the project is interesting, creative and easy to practice.
So, no global approach to the use of recycled materials and coordinating the recycling of your products then?

A single $300 (?!) award for a person somewhere in the world to turn a mod box into a box of tissues? Seriously? This is the limit to your environmental credentials?

Pardon me for being ‘that guy’, but does anyone in the marketing department at Vaporesso think this is limp, patronising and altogether crap too?
Hi, dear
So, no global approach to the use of recycled materials and coordinating the recycling of your products then?

A single $300 (?!) award for a person somewhere in the world to turn a mod box into a box of tissues? Seriously? This is the limit to your environmental credentials?

Pardon me for being ‘that guy’, but does anyone in the marketing department at Vaporesso think this is limp, patronising and altogether crap too?

Thanks for your all suggestions, no matter good or bad.
The reason we are doing it is considering the background that product packing boxes generate a lot of waste, many of which are over-packaging. After unpacking, many packing boxes ending thrown away without any valuable reuse. We want spark people's awareness of environmental protection and devote themselves to environmental protection from daily life, and turn these useless boxes into lifestyle, like container, decorations etc., And the project is interesting, creative and easy to practice.
Hi, dear

Thanks for your all suggestions, no matter good or bad.
The reason we are doing it is considering the background that product packing boxes generate a lot of waste, many of which are over-packaging. After unpacking, many packing boxes ending thrown away without any valuable reuse. We want spark people's awareness of environmental protection and devote themselves to environmental protection from daily life, and turn these useless boxes into lifestyle, like container, decorations etc., And the project is interesting, creative and easy to practice.
Dear oh dear, you really want to pick this fight, huh?

So, rather than do something about your ridiculous over packaging that doesn’t use recycled materials - you want the customer to do something to lessen your carbon footprint.

The project is trite, the product of a feeble brain, and utterly pointless. I “want spark” YOUR “awareness of environmental protection” - up your damn game.
Dear oh dear, you really want to pick this fight, huh?

So, rather than do something about your ridiculous over packaging that doesn’t use recycled materials - you want the customer to do something to lessen your carbon footprint.

The project is trite, the product of a feeble brain, and utterly pointless. I “want spark” YOUR “awareness of environmental protection” - up your damn game.
Dear oh dear, you really want to pick this fight, huh?

So, rather than do something about your ridiculous over packaging that doesn’t use recycled materials - you want the customer to do something to lessen your carbon footprint.

The project is trite, the product of a feeble brain, and utterly pointless. I “want spark” YOUR “awareness of environmental protection” - up your damn game.

We don't want to pick a fight. Please don't be angry, you should have a nice day! We do this project is a small step we want try environmental ideas and engage and interact with our fans and customers in the meantime. So we pick this small and creative idea. If you don't like, it's okay. We are keeping doing environmental moves in our product, and you will see at that time.
We don't want to pick a fight. Please don't be angry, you should have a nice day! We do this project is a small step we want try environmental ideas and engage and interact with our fans and customers in the meantime. So we pick this small and creative idea. If you don't like, it's okay. We are keeping doing environmental moves in our product, and you will see at that time.
For the second time in the thread, I'm not angry - I'm pointing out that a pathetic marketing campaign does not make up for a comprehensive approach to recycling and a sound environmental policy.

Companies like yours have been promising action since 2021.

DOVPO have done it - https://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/news/vaping-news/2021-09-27_dovpo-cleans-up.html
RIOT LABS has done it - https://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/news/product/2022-01-10_a-riot-of-recycling.html
888 have done it - https://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/news/vaping-news/2022-02-17_888-boosts-its-green-credentials.html

All it requires is effort.
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