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Attysmith squonker cloned.

eyeball kid

Mar 21, 2016
Looks like the venom is next in line for the squonk treatment.
I won't pretend it's not interesting. It's a big difference between £400 and £40. I just wish it wasn't under the yftk umbrella. I'm really having trouble gauging quality. Yftk seem to be purely a sales group so you can't really tell who will be manufacturing your model. I've had some first class rda clones and some dreadful ones.
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With the abundance of well made cheap-ish stuff available, not even thinking about self builds, why would you bother?

Just as a caveat, I don't squonk so I am commenting out of my area, but there seems to be plenty of people happy with the cheaper stuff.
With the abundance of well made cheap-ish stuff available, not even thinking about self builds, why would you bother?

Just as a caveat, I don't squonk so I am commenting out of my area, but there seems to be plenty of people happy with the cheaper stuff.
To be fair, you are right....I’ve just picked up the vandyvape pulse for less then £30....and who knows with squonk mech mods? A dodgy connection or shit materials could mean at best, a hard short on the battery, at worst, your face getting blown the fuck off, well at least half of it
With the abundance of well made cheap-ish stuff available, not even thinking about self builds, why would you bother?

Just as a caveat, I don't squonk so I am commenting out of my area, but there seems to be plenty of people happy with the cheaper stuff.
In fairness until the last few weeks if you like mech mods you actually had virtually no cheap genuine choice.
I use the pico squeeze but as good as it is for me most don't like the 50w restrictions. The kanger dripbox is the same plus a little janky so it was either a £100 ish plastic box full of £10 worth of parts or a clone. Hopefully the pulse, ram,athena ect that have just arrived will balance the choice.
I'm more of a regulated fan so have pre orders in for the extremely reasonable if not a little ugly capo and fuchai (both well under £30) but I do have the pulse on route which reminds me I need more 20700's from Ben until the 21700's arrive.
In reality the only thing that most will be interested in is. Is the case well built. The internals for some of the most expensive squonk mods are available from the excellent mod maker for around a tenner and very easy for most to fit.
With the abundance of well made cheap-ish stuff available, not even thinking about self builds, why would you bother?

Just as a caveat, I don't squonk so I am commenting out of my area, but there seems to be plenty of people happy with the cheaper stuff.

I'm with Dave here.

I don't think I'd risk a cloned mech squonker, no guarantees to the quality of the internals.

Plenty of excellent cheapish choices about now. Heck, Pico Squeeze can be had for £11 on FT!

On the other hand, to build your own is cheap as chips and you know exactly what you get. I'm looking at building another soon, Alumide mod printed with silver contacts and a MM510, total cost... Less than £30.
I'm with Dave here.

I don't think I'd risk a cloned mech squonker, no guarantees to the quality of the internals.

Plenty of excellent cheapish choices about now. Heck, Pico Squeeze can be had for £11 on FT!

On the other hand, to build your own is cheap as chips and you know exactly what you get. I'm looking at building another soon, Alumide mod printed with silver contacts and a MM510, total cost... Less than £30.
I think that's more the point. When it's released the price is likely to drop and you could get a decent steel box which you can upgrade to a high level for £10-£15. I am all for paying a fair price for a hand made item but when frankie' s are being sold on for in excess of £200 for a five pound piece of 3d plastic and a tenner of internals. This could be a solid box for little money. As owners of expensive stabwood/resin have been finding they don't fare well if dropped a steel heavyweight box for work could be handy.
No disrespect to the awesome attysmith. If we had the spare cash we would rather have one.
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