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Auto draw or fire button


Apr 28, 2022
Hi guys,

I’m currently using a voopoo drag S pro on a 0.3 ohm coil with 78vg/22pg ratio at 35 watts. (I recently posted about MTL coils however tried DTL and much preferred it!)

I’m noticing on the drag S that when using the auto draw feature, I’m getting so much more thick vapour compared to when I hit the fire button. Does anyone know why that could be? Although I’ve also noticed that after around 4 seconds of hitting the fire button, it’s leaving a burnt taste and is much warmer than auto draw.

the airflow is fully open for both auto draw and fire button.

does anyone know why im getting different results considering it’s the same watts and everything else?
not used that kit and have no idea why its different from auto to press button.
4 seconds is quite long for a high 78vg and the cotton cant soak up the juice quick enough.
any 80vg juice i buy i now use pg nic shots to thin it down as majority of shop coils will struggle.
It does have that weird score ranking thing, not sure if that actually can tell anything to help it regulate power like a replay mode.

My best guess is that on autodraw it is only applying power exactly when u r drawing in air and possibly based on how hard u draw as well. That could make a big difference
maybe you are subconsciously puffing harder when you have it on auto mode?
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