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Ay up ducks!!!!


New Member
Jul 11, 2013
Ay up ducks, I'm round Stoke-on-Trent. I've been off the cancer sticks and on the liquid since December. I've been using very basic kit for a few months. I now want to think about getting myself a decent set-up (without spending too much hopefully) and look at mixing me own juice.

Would have been nice to meet up with some fellow vapers at Vapefest, but my inconsiderate sister decided she wants to get married on the same day.
Welcome to POTV. There is a meet coming up on 10/8 in Nottingham soon?
Welcome to the planet! That's very rude of your sister, you want to have a word!
There is a meet coming up on 10/8 in Nottingham soon?

Will have to catch the next one, sorry. I'll be sunning myself up on me hols...... Which reminds me. I need to find out about peoples experiences of taking liquids and kit on the plane.
Ay up mi duck and welcome :)

shame you cany hit that Notts meet .. Im told all the fun people will be there :D
hello and welcome to the Planet :), I am sure you will get a lot of advice of travelling with juices very soon :) , Shame you cannot get to the meets atm but big congrats on the upcoming Wedding for your Sister, you could always suggest the reception was held at the Vapefest location :) .
... My biggest secret has been revealed!
How did you know!? :eek:

Also, welcome... quack
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