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bacon flavor e juice

there is actually, not sure if its available as a pre mix but it definitely is as a concentrate for DIY mixing from flavourart italy, they have a whole host of strange ones under the heading "brave flavours" things like anchovy, bacon, bone marrow and boiled chicken, you have to get them direct from italy so it wont be quick but its definitely possible. you can check out the rest of the crazyness here:

Savoury vapes wise, I did review the Decadent Roast Chicken flavour a while ago, and thought it wasn't that bad - not an all day in a Nova type vape, but not totally out of the question for a dripper. A certain Mr. FoShizzle has received a sample bottle from me to review...is it wrong that I can't wait to see what faces he pulls while trying to review it?? :P
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