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Badly leaking CE5 V2's. Plz suggest alternatives.

I too have had some hideously leaking CE5's, they were poorly made cheap tat, so I binned em and put it down to experience.

i can highly recommend the innoclear iclear 16's, essentially the same as Ce5 but with a dual coil, they are very well made and also rebuildable. I haven't had a single leak from mine
hi, i'm a newbie and this may have already been posted. If it has I've missed it. I've started with the ce5's. I have 3. one is ok, one leaks a little from the base and the third ouses everywhere. I've managed to fix them every easily, (after a week of sticky fingers). what I have done is put one turn of "PTFE thread seal tape" over the seal and threads. Screwed it back together and filled it up and it hasn't leaked in the last 48hrs. PTFE tape is what plumbers use to seal tap connections etc. And as an added bonus when you need to take your ce5 apart just stick in some fresh tape. ( a 12m roll should only cost a couple of quid from a diy shop ). I hope this fix well help someone.
I occasionally use a couple of old CE5s. They have their uses,even after moving on to bigger and shinier things. If I've got a lot of driving to do I'll use them because a Vamo in 18650 mode with a dripping atomiser is a bit of a handful behind the wheel and the inclination to mess about with the buttons is a bit detrimental to road safety :grin2:

My CE5s all started gurgling and juice was collecting on the positive post of the eGo battery. I couldn't figure it out...everything looked fine. Then one day it came apart in my pocket and I realised what it was. Yes,the metallic collar,as you have mentioned,was the culprit. It's just pushed onto the tank in the factory. Mine are Vision's and they're supposed to be some of the better CE5s. I put a dab of superglue around the bottom of the tank and pushed the collar back on. Waited an hour...sorted. That collar is never coming off again,the tank will crack first. Leakage and gurgling eliminated. It doesn't affect the taste at all because the liquid doesn't come into contact with the glued area.
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