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Basic mod making for beginners.


Feb 21, 2015
Hi guys looking for somewhere to get me started. I want to build my first mod. Is there a good place to get a first timers guide?
I know for a vv box mod I'll need,
A box
A battery holder
A 510 connector
A switch
Some wires
Soldering tools and skills
Some hand tools.
How do I find out about what chips I'd need, or mosfets or fuses.
I want to make a small box mod, nothing to fancy maybe around the 30w mark depending on cost. I'm currently off work and looking for little time killing hobby.
Where do I start?
look at stealthvape or modmaker both good sites for parts and iam sure both of them have a section with instructions for making your own box mod
Very quick thanks. It is just the basics I need to start with to get my head around the electronic parts. I'm about to make a basic mod with just a fire button. No chips or fuses so nearly a mech mod. It's only going to be used as a building box for coiling rta's.
I've ordered a box, fire button and a couple of 510 connectors one to connect to 18500 for pulsing the coil and the other is getting connected to an ohm meter to measure resistance. Like I said it's just a hobby thing to try and keep me busy.
When I get that done hopefully I'll understand the chip side a bit more to build a mod.
Seedy has posted wiring diagrams for most builds on Modmaker.co.uk pretty easy to understand as well
fasttech have vamo boards for £7 to £10 good to practice on. solder stations on ebay are cheep as well and let you adjust the temperature of your iron save scorching your board and silicon insulated wires are a lot more flexible and make things easier routing wire round your box
Lots to learn. Personally I started with an altoids tin build. Melted a few wires and switches along the way. Baptism of fire ;-)
fasttech have vamo boards for £7 to £10 good to practice on. solder stations on ebay are cheep as well and let you adjust the temperature of your iron save scorching your board and silicon insulated wires are a lot more flexible and make things easier routing wire round your box

That vamo v8 looks the ideal thing to start with. But how do I know which buttons to use with it? I'd need a wiring diagram and I think that would be all.
Has anyone else used 1 of these or can point me to a wiring diagram I'd be grateful.
mod maker sell the metal buttons black wire is your neg white is 510 pos and battery pos solders to where the gold contact at the board is solderd you can allso snip the switches off and solder wires on and use different buttons and placement in your case
mod maker sell the metal buttons black wire is your neg white is 510 pos and battery pos solders to where the gold contact at the board is solderd you can allso snip the switches off and solder wires on and use different buttons and placement in your case

Thanks joint. Been reading a bit on the mod maker site and picking up some good tips.
I've been looking at quite few wiring diagrams eg sx350 but I don't understand how they adjust the power settings. Are they buttons on the board or is that the gravity sensor one?
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