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Basic mod making for beginners.

I found this video the easiest to follow when I did my first couple of boxes with a lot of pause time when he's showing the guts of the box because it was so easy to follow. I used wire instead of copper on the first one and added a volt reader to the 510 connections but love it.


I found that making a few different types of mosfet boxes first gave me a pretty good understanding of what I wanted to achieve with a VW mod later down the road
sx350 has tilt sensors but i think you can fit switches but ive never used one so im not 100% sure.
start with a mosfet box if you haven't built stuff like this before like Doormandean said you can allways reuse the box and it will get you use to soldering as it will take abought a month for fasttech to deliver
Spent all day so far reading forum post from the modding section of the group and a few others I'm a member of. I'm picking up lots of tips and watching lots of videos. Tin your tip, I think it's called is very interesting and intuitive. I can solder, I can wire things up ok. So the physical side of the build is not a problem, it's just the electronics side.
Thanks for the help so far, the hints tips and links have led me to some good stuff.
Sure will upload a few pics of my first project which like I said is just going to be rta coil station. Hopefully the parts will start arriving soon, they're all shipped from FastTech so soon I hope.
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