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Ha Ha, I didn't take it like that for a second, M'Lord. I hope my reply didn't seem "reactive" in a bad way. The point about the 1.2V is genuine - I've got a AA non-rechargable battery on the desk that is labelled 1.5V, and puts out 1.2V and the Lidl rechargables are labelled as 1.2V - I'd never noticed that before and assumed that all AA batteries are 1.5V

I'd love to see a pic of your mod - at the moment I'm toying with the idea of epoxying two battery boxes together - one half the "powerhouse", the other the "gubbins holder"! I might even use two different sized boxes! Or just chuck everything into a big tin!
boxmod open.jpgThe box came from Maplin too
Thanks, coming from a proper mod builder that means a lot :)) Since this was taken, I changed the button for a horn button, as they are a bit more durable, the wiring has been tidied up and that's about it really. The only downside with the box is that it's held shut with four screws so when I'm using it I have to carry a mini screwdriver in my vape case.
I might have been asking the wrong question, what im really after is a battery pack that works with rechargable batterys, i think.

Am correct thinking that they are a better long term option, as i intend to vape, and have spent a small fortune already trying to find a good setup, and would rather just buy the correct tool for the job, I am a canny Scot after all :)

Thanks for your help guys

Is this a good setup?

Well, using your picture as inspiration, and a quick look at the bits and pieces laying around in the cave, I managed to come up with this.

Your Lordship, I present The Grim Vaper! (Named it in your honour before I'd seen your last post too!).

View attachment 2016

I used 2 4AA battery cases epoxied together - one to hold the batteries and one to hold the components. I re-routed the battery wires and drilled the "gubbins" case to take the switches and atomiser connector. Bit of soldering and heat shrinking and it was born!

I can see why it's generally known as a "Puck" because it is roughly the same weight and size as an ice hockey puck! Once I got all the bits and pieces together in one place, it took about half an hour to make, and the vaping result is excellent - loads of vapour and flavour. I'm going to use it this evening and see how long I get out of a set of batteries.

As you quite rightly said LG, this will make a very useful backup device. It's a bit too big to put into a pocket and forget you've got it on you - but it stands nicely on the desk and my Missus loves it! Just right to put in my work bag!

If anyone fancies having a crack at one - all of the parts are available from most mod making sites such as Stealthvape and Warlords, and also from good old Maplins. Definitely worth having a crack at if you want to build a practical little mod in my opinion.


I am actually sat here no vaping on my V6. They are not a bad bit of kit, certainly not the best, but not bad at all. Tends to burn very hot even at 3.7v, I put a 3 ohm rewicked vivi nova on it and that seems to be perfect for it. Britvapes also have them for £19.99 but that's mod only, no batteries or extra kit.
I might have been asking the wrong question

Unlikely Sea Dog - more likely we've run away with the wrong answer and got all carried away! Look! You made me build a mod that takes rechargeable batteries!

I've got a V6 from Britvapes - I paid £19ish for the mod on its own. It's a nice piece of kit, but it cuts out quite easily once your carto etc gets a little tired. The V6 from Britvapes is here. You'd need batteries* and a charger if you haven't already got them. I already had the charger, but the batteries came from Torchy the Battery boy on eBay, and are decent.

Another option would be a Lavatube. I use one occasionally, and find it to be a decent mod that gives a decent vape for a decent amount of time.

Hope this helps - and sorry for the confusion over the rechargable battery thing! :applouse:

*These are a bit longer than other batteries and the end of the V6 doesn't screw in all the way, but I put a rubber O ring over the exposed thread to protect it and it looks OK.
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