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Battle of the single coil RBAs!

I know I should have a look but do you know if he has done reviews for the Rose V2 and the Squape Reloaded too?
No lung hits on heron it's not that sort of tank all flavour
You do get plenty of warning re juice flavour tails off like it does with low battery on a mech

Sent from (who cares) using Planet of the Vapes

Thanks, I've gone ahead and ordered one from vapourhut. I really need to calm down on the lung hits anyway. So hopefully when my DNA30 Hana clone arrives it will keep me satisfied

Sent from a howitzer in my back garden
I was watching @OccultScientist check how much juice he had left in the heron during the raffle at vapefest. Looked fairly simple, he just turned it upside-down and took the top cap off.

Yeah pretty straight forward TBH. As long as you get the wick to the outside of the centre post when reassembling ;)
Just posted on another thread that a 0.8ohm microcoil on the Heron seems to be doing the business for me quite nicely!
I have 2 Kayfun lites and have had 2 kayfun 3.1 . Still using the Kfl but wanted something a with bit more (if you know what I mean).
Went to vapefest and while I was there picked up an expromizer , it's a cross between a kayfun , tiafun .builds the as a kayfun but seems to wick better .
I am running a expromizer 1.7 ohmn single coil at 17.5 watts
With Mrs Lords seville marmalade. Flavour is just like fresh orange .superb set up.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
If you like cotton, squape. If you like silica kayfun lite v2.
Funds allowing heron in a couple of weeks.
Looking like heron might be the way forward for a nice flavoursome vape. Elkoorrninigan (?!) looks nice and well engineered but the price is a bit above what I can managed atm.

Lunghits are catered for with other attys, so for a nice relaxing vape this looks like it may be the one!

Would people consider the heron airflow comparible with a kayfun then? As it seems the squape is alot more airy from the above comments.
Looking like heron might be the way forward for a nice flavoursome vape. Elkoorrninigan (?!) looks nice and well engineered but the price is a bit above what I can managed atm.

Lunghits are catered for with other attys, so for a nice relaxing vape this looks like it may be the one!

Would people consider the heron airflow comparible with a kayfun then? As it seems the squape is alot more airy from the above comments.

Can't comment on squape but that has lots of build options....but looks like a Saab
Heron is airier than KFL but not to the extent of lung hits unless you're a pro free diver
I find if you open up the heron afc fully you lose flavour
But then I'm too lazy to rebuild for greater airflow

Sent from (who cares) using Planet of the Vapes
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