No lung hits on heron it's not that sort of tank all flavour
You do get plenty of warning re juice flavour tails off like it does with low battery on a mech
Sent from (who cares) using Planet of the Vapes
I was watching @OccultScientist check how much juice he had left in the heron during the raffle at vapefest. Looked fairly simple, he just turned it upside-down and took the top cap off.
Looking like heron might be the way forward for a nice flavoursome vape. Elkoorrninigan (?!) looks nice and well engineered but the price is a bit above what I can managed atm.
Lunghits are catered for with other attys, so for a nice relaxing vape this looks like it may be the one!
Would people consider the heron airflow comparible with a kayfun then? As it seems the squape is alot more airy from the above comments.