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Beginner RDA using pre made coils.

i just built this its my first attempt at a twisted build and must say it's working very well comes in at 0.54 and works better than a dual coil imo
Derringers tend to be better in single cool mode, it's one of those little oddities. As for Kanthal I find 28awg in tanks with well and 26awg in RDA's.
Derringers tend to be better in single cool mode, it's one of those little oddities. As for Kanthal I find 28awg in tanks with well and 26awg in RDA's.

my first rda £4 delivered from FT how can you not and i love it that was twisted 28awg ,just getting used to how often to drip etc but gonna get some nickel tomo and and try it on my istick tc
Get urself a kuro koiler. U can then easily make ur own. Coils. Get kanthan from stealth vape. Cotton go for Japanese or cotton bacon. Even though I can handwrap coils now I use the kuro to get perfect coils every time. Stay safe and get a ohms tester or if u have a solid mod like the sx350 then can always use that.
Thanks for all the tips, I'll have a look at the Kuro now and what difference does the twisted Kanthal make? other than obviously looking ace haha
Hi I need to make a set of 4 x 1.6 ohm coils to run on my dual atty mech mod to get a 0.4 ohm total for safety any ideas Peepz ;)
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