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Being Modern: E-cigarettes




It all began with gum and skin patches in the early 1990s – ways of getting nicotine into the bloodstream without the need for a cigarette.

But it wasn't about to stop there for the smoking-cessation revolution. No, leading brand Nicorette would soon devise the lozenge, the quick mist, the micro tab, the nasal spray and, of course, those little white "vaporisers" that resemble a tampon stuck in your mouth. But sadly, none of those nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs) could emulate the "cool", blue-hazed image of the real thing.

You'd never have caught James Dean wearing a Nicotinell patch, now, would you?

By 1996, NRTs were available over the counter, and, come 2003, the Chinese pharmacist Hon Lik designed an uncanny electronic double of a snout that allowed users to get their fix without filling their lungs with clouds of smoke. Instead, they'd inhale nicotine-filled water vapour to their lungs' content, the only things cut out being the tar – and no one liked that part anyway – and the exhaled smoke.

The e-cigarette could not have come at a better time. Within four years, smoking had been made illegal in enclosed places across the UK, legislation that continues to be taken up across the world, most recently in Saudi Arabia just a few weeks ago.

But while e-ciggies are odour- and tobacco-free, nowadays it is the very idea of smoking that is frowned upon, so non-smokers have not lost the opportunity to look down their noses at public e-puffers.

Not that that will stop the converts: celebs from Kate Moss to Ronnie Wood have been papped recently with plastic Pall Malls hanging out of their mouths, and this year, the number of e-cigarette "smokers" in the UK is set to top one million for the first time.

But those who want to give them a go should be warned: research shows those trying to quit with any kind of aid are twice as likely to relapse. So is the NRT industry nothing more than smoke and mirrors? Possibly, but what's sure is that the best way to stop smoking is also the cheapest: cold turkey.
I was going to post this last night but I had just turned the laptop off when the alert buzzed on my phone
I don't like the lumping of ecigs into the NRT category. Recreational nicotine use NOT a method of quitting smoking
Yeah + 1 on that ... I see it as a different thing altogether .. I somewhat less harmful but enjoyable way of fullfilling a nicotine habit rather than an NRT.

lets be fair .. all the proper NRT methods all suck and are not enjoyable
Its the same as drinking coffee instead of energy drinks.

Your still getting caffeine, except ones a hot drink and the others a fizzy pop.

And I would consider coffee being the safer alternative to energy drinks when it comes to getting my caffeine.

Even though I drink obscene amounts of both!
The only energy drink I had growing up was called lucozade
That's what annoys me. Most of my none smoking friends are all "I thought you used that thing to stop smoking, but you are still using it?". Yes I stopped smoking, now I vape and god help me-I like it! Even my dad at the weekend said he was concerned that I'm vaping "cos nobody knows the long term effects or what is really in them". This after he'd had 3 beers and a couple of large glasses of wine whilst chain smoking! I think I know who's the healthier and I don't smell bad :)
That's what annoys me. Most of my none smoking friends are all "I thought you used that thing to stop smoking, but you are still using it?". Yes I stopped smoking, now I vape and god help me-I like it! Even my dad at the weekend said he was concerned that I'm vaping "cos nobody knows the long term effects or what is really in them". This after he'd had 3 beers and a couple of large glasses of wine whilst chain smoking! I think I know who's the healthier and I don't smell bad :)

Spot on!
Agreed it very annoying that all these newspaper articles refer to e-cigs as NRT. To me it smacks of two problems: 1) Fly-by-night vendors promoting them as quit aids and 2) Lazy journalism - the buggers can't even be bothered to do a little research about the subject of the story.
So for any journalists reading this here is is a link that might help http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Electronic+cigarettes+NRT :hopelessness:

That's what annoys me. Most of my none smoking friends are all "I thought you used that thing to stop smoking, but you are still using it?". Yes I stopped smoking, now I vape and god help me-I like it! Even my dad at the weekend said he was concerned that I'm vaping "cos nobody knows the long term effects or what is really in them". This after he'd had 3 beers and a couple of large glasses of wine whilst chain smoking! I think I know who's the healthier and I don't smell bad :)

Totally agree mate :-)
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