I've only been vaping to stop smoking since the 07/10/2017, so understand that this is purely the opinion and thoughts from somebody who is extremely new to vaping using a portable vaporizer,
I use the KangerTech DripBox 160w mod, I lasted until Sunday night with the RDA that comes in the DripBox 160w kit before I swapped it out for my Hadaly, and while the Hadaly is a huge improvement over the RDA that comes with the DripBox 160w kit, for me it doesn't have enough air flow, I'm actually considering swapping it out for my SXK clone of the Velocity V2 RDA, or the Dead Rabbit - though I don't think that the Dead Rabbit will have any more airflow than the Hadaly so I'm leaning towards the SXK clone of the Velocity V2.
These are the RDA's that I currently have:
Authentic Ones:
HellVape Dead Rabbit
Armageddon Apocalypse Gen 2 - wish that I had watched the ''Vaping Bogan'' review on it before I bought it, I had to buy a squonk pin for this
Geek Vape Tsunami 24
Velocity V2
Stock KangerTech RDA that comes with the KangerTech DripBox 160w kit
SMOK Mine Helmet - just in case squpnking doesn't work out
SXK Apocalypse Gen 2 - this came with a squonk pin
SXK Velocity V2 - I plan to try this one next it's the one from GeekyVapes list with the glass top cap
And here is a pretty extensive list of squonk ready RDA's, the person who made this list ''GeekyVapes'', has also done very very good reviews of every RDA on this list on his youtube channel.
Here is his list:
Here is his youtube channel - it's pronounced Gee Kay Vapes,:
If like me you are using the KangerTech DripBox 160w, I strongly suggest that you get a silicone case for it, as it will allow you to put 24mm RDA's on it without there being any over hang from the RDA.