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Best buy yet


Sep 14, 2014
I got a Russian original, a magma and a few kanger tanks but weirdly enough a clone of the veritas beats them all for flavour. Found when I turned the airflow down the flavour went through the roof with a single horizontal coil build at 1.3 ohm with 28g on a 30w regulated device at 17w, found it dulled down when over 25w.

worth checking out if you want really decent flavour.
Stunning isn't it? Clouds and flavour for £5.50 from FT ... and the drip tip from the Orchid v4, which I don't like on the Orchid, looks perfect on it and works great with it.
Didn't take notes on my build but it's single, vertical coil, 9 or 10 wraps of .4 (don't think it was .5 but might be) formed on either 3.0 or 3.2mm, giving 1.3ohms. Muji cotton wick. Piece of cake to build. 20 to 25watts, no problem.
And it's the first dripper I can safely pocket for use at work.
Stunning isn't it? Clouds and flavour for £5.50 from FT ... and the drip tip from the Orchid v4, which I don't like on the Orchid, looks perfect on it and works great with it.
Didn't take notes on my build but it's single, vertical coil, 9 or 10 wraps of .4 (don't think it was .5 but might be) formed on either 3.0 or 3.2mm, giving 1.3ohms. Muji cotton wick. Piece of cake to build. 20 to 25watts, no problem.
And it's the first dripper I can safely pocket for use at work.


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