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Best cig-alike for elderly newbie?


Feb 10, 2014
I'm determined to get my dad to try vaping instead of ol' stinkies, but I know he needs cigalikes, and nothing overly fiddly (as in, no PCC with awkward screw-ins, such as Microlites) because his hands shake, and he has a touch of arthritis. Is there anything out there someone can think of that might suit?

I've considered maybe just stocking him up on some disposables, but knowing he smokes like a chimney, and disposables are often very poo, not sure how long they'd really last.
A tricky one this. I sometimes wonder what i will do when i'm older & unable to wrap coils. Most of the good cigalikes use a screw in usb adapter.
I think he could handle a screw in adapter as long as it was open enough he could get a good grip on it. I just haven't found a small battery that goes straight into a USB instead of a PCC. Most of the ones I've come across are bigger batteries that feel too clunky. My experience with cigalikes is pretty limited though, so hopefully someone out there has some ideas. :)
I think he could handle a screw in adapter as long as it was open enough he could get a good grip on it. I just haven't found a small battery that goes straight into a USB instead of a PCC. Most of the ones I've come across are bigger batteries that feel too clunky. My experience with cigalikes is pretty limited though, so hopefully someone out there has some ideas. :)

The big supermarkets sell cig-a-likes. I started with two types from tesco. 1.E lites but i don't reccomend those so much although they do work. 2. Vapestick (The black one), which i got along with better. Both types have an adapter which you screw the battery into & then plug into a usb charger. The led light on the tip goes out when charging is complete.

The problem you will be up against is that, as you stated, he is a heavy smoker & these little things require some desire if he is going to accept them as a replacement. Remember, it's not smoking & there are differences in the way to use them & they perform quite different from a cigarette.

For a more hassle free way to use them he would need maybe 3 of the batteries so that one can be charging while one is being used & then a spare to be sure there's no running out. The cartomizers for the vapestick will only accept vapestick fitting carto's but there are some places who offer after market cheaper versions. They can get expensive if he was not going to refill them (They're fiddly to refill & a pain really).

For a pack of 5 of those cartomizers, prefilled with a chosen flavour it's about £7 - £8 & one will last perhaps up to 2 days or less.

Starter pack is about £20 & includes 1 battery & 3 or 4 carts plus the usb adapter charger.
Each extra battery is roughly £11.
Then add a pack of carto's a week ,£7 - £8.

Have a good shop around because it would be silly to spend £50 starting up only to find it didn't work.
24 or 36 strong tobacco flavour, 650mAh ego battery, CE4 clearo, 10ml bottle with a longish needle tip.

Show him how to fill it from the needle bottle by getting the needle in well past the centre hole. Show him how to screw the drip tip back on properly. Teach him the button press motion when drawing. Show him how to charge the battery.

The amount of faffing he'll be doing with fiddly cig-a-like's and batteries keep running out on him after 10 minutes/cartridge lasting him 30 minutes you may as well just cut the crap (literally!) and get him straight onto 2nd gen. He'll thank you for it later. :grin2:

EDIT: Just to add to this, one of my locals who I look after offline sales wise is in her early 90's, I got her onto a similar setup to what I just described above and she gets on absolutely fine with it, she is partially sighted too. In this game old people get the hang of things pretty fast so don't write the old boy off. Give him the best chance of succeeding by getting him off on the right foot.
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the asda cigalikes aren't the worst you get a battery a charger and one medium and one high cartomizer to try and the cartos are 6quid for 5
I started on Skycigs and Nicolites from my corner newsagent, it was them that got me off cigarettes.
24 or 36 strong tobacco flavour, 650mAh ego battery, CE4 clearo, 10ml bottle with a longish needle tip.

Show him how to fill it from the needle bottle by getting the needle in well past the centre hole. Show him how to screw the drip tip back on properly. Teach him the button press motion when drawing. Show him how to charge the battery.

The amount of faffing he'll be doing with fiddly cig-a-like's and batteries keep running out on him after 10 minutes/cartridge lasting him 30 minutes you may as well just cut the crap (literally!) and get him straight onto 2nd gen. He'll thank you for it later. :grin2:

EDIT: Just to add to this, one of my locals who I look after offline sales wise is in her early 90's, I got her onto a similar setup to what I just described above and she gets on absolutely fine with it, she is partially sighted too. In this game old people get the hang of things pretty fast so don't write the old boy off. Give him the best chance of succeeding by getting him off on the right foot.

Showing him isn't an option, as he lives in America, and I'm in the UK. ;)

I know my dad, and much like me, his addiction is less about the nicotine delivery, and more about the oral fixation and the ritual; he needs something he can hold between his fingers while he's doing other things. I use a tank system myself, but I still like my cigalike when I'm reading a book, or having my morning tea, even though I don't use any nic.

Not saying I don't wholeheartedly appreciate the advice - if it were anyone else, I would definitely go straight for a tank & battery! But my pa is a stubborn git. ;)
There are ego style kits available with "magnetic touch charging" stations. I haven't come across one for a cigalike but something may turn up by googling.
Ah ! In America you say. Well that changes things a bit. He needs someone near to him to help him perhaps...Are you sure he wants to stop smoking ?

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