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Best non Chinese made mods

I wouldn't exclude Chinese mods. I have an Istick Pico which must be 3 years old and still going strong.
The first mod that I passed onto a family member about 4 years ago was an Innokin mvp2. I asked her about it over Christmas and was delighted when she told me that she still occasionally uses it and it is still holding a charge.
I wouldn't exclude Chinese mods. I have an Istick Pico which must be 3 years old and still going strong.
100% @rew , eleaf mods are definitely value for money.

The good wife has 3 picos which have never had a problem, including the pico mega which i think take 26650 batteries but it is shocking pink :28:
anyway trying to get one from her is like

MMM If i could get him to build one one with a Dicodes FL80 board could be a possibility.

I am sure Stu can build you a mod with whatever board you require. He built me my Side mod with the smaller Dicodes board a couple of months ago and for a hand built mod he is very competitively priced, and with a lifetime guarantee. :2thumbsup:
I am sure Stu can build you a mod with whatever board you require. He built me my Side mod with the smaller Dicodes board a couple of months ago and for a hand built mod he is very competitively priced, and with a lifetime guarantee. :2thumbsup:

Does he have a photo of it online ?
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