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Best Rbas for Rdl vaping imo


New Member
Feb 13, 2018
1st post on here. Imo these are the best im using right now. Feel free to post your own list.
PRC Ridge
Wickd Revised (Obyx)
Cthulhu 520 V2
Tita X v2 Rba
Sturdy one (with one up cap)
Mission XV Astra
Mobb mini
I do use a hell of a lot more, these are just some of my favourites.
Mods, currently on the Tita XV2 in green, White Delrin Cthulhu V2 Aio, Billetbox Rev 4 2023 Ladybug (Vital inners and pannels) LVE BOSON.
1st post on here. Imo these are the best im using right now. Feel free to post your own list.
PRC Ridge
Wickd Revised (Obyx)
Cthulhu 520 V2
Tita X v2 Rba
Sturdy one (with one up cap)
Mission XV Astra
Mobb mini
I do use a hell of a lot more, these are just some of my favourites.
Mods, currently on the Tita XV2 in green, White Delrin Cthulhu V2 Aio, Billetbox Rev 4 2023 Ladybug (Vital inners and pannels) LVE BOSON.
The atom is a real good one.
Wickd omega
I do have more but you have mentioned a few of them already.
I have the sturdy one but I'm confused what the one up cap is?
Also what is the LVE BOSON like?

Currently using BP ampbb aio with the BP pioneer insider and that's a good RDL vape.
No mention of the Bishop Cubed or VapeSnail? Those are my goto's. Or even the shift tank, when you just can't be arsed rebuilding.
Let`s face it any RBA is only as good as your build, the other factors that can affect your vape such as air flow are dependent on the tank, af pins etc, so without trying them all it`s hard to give a subjective answer.
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