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Best setup for flavor and big clouds? (Newbie)

My Hero ;)

On an EVOD/PT head yeah.. when you can look through the wick channel, but it can be a pain where the coil is down in a well..
If you want something to get you started, there are some great reviews of the Naturevape coils, which are like protank heads (and will fit your aerotank). They are basically a microcoil and cotton build of a protank head. While some people can do this themselves, I don't find that my fingers work well enough to do anything quite that small.

They are by no means the cheapest option, but might be worth a try if you don't feel like jumping straight into full on rebuildables. Some very experienced vapers with some very high end kit have been very impressed with them. I plan to order one or two come payday.

Just an alternative for you.
Wow, awesome input guys! This place is so perfect for a noob like me! Love it!

Sent from my iPhone using Planet of the Vapes
Try an Aspire Nautilus on Zmax... Or aspire glass Et-s on MVP we have sold lots of this kind of setup and had amazing feedback!
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cheap littl segelei mech mod an igo w or w3 rda sony 30A battery 28 gauge kanthal cotton wool do 4 wrap micro coils and boom .4ohm HUUUUUUUUUGE clouds great flavour but for the love of god learn ohm laws and do research if you love your face
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