Hi all
i have happily been using my Ohm Boy Mod with a dead rabbit sq for a couple of months. no issues, very happy.
a couple of days ago, the mod would turn off when i tried to vape. this happened sporadically. would happen repeatedly for half an hour and then would be fine again.
for the last few hours it wont fire at all. i get a mix of the following error messages when i try to fire it:
Atomizer short
Weak battery
Check battery
i have tried another tank, changedbmultiple sets of batteries, still no luck.
put the same tank on my gbox 200 (which i used to use before i got the Ohm Boy) and all works fine.
Any ideas? Many thanks!!
I would have 1000% recommended before this, and still would... i just wish it was working now... i miss it already