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Best tobacco aroma


New Member
Jun 17, 2017
Hi everyone. I'm new for vaping and i have a questions for you. Which is the best tobacco flavor aroma ? I bought some flavor but It's sweet or caramel or hazulnut. I should have something like the regular cigar.
At the moment I use purity tribecca which is said to tatse and does taste like a mild tab but I have some purity black calico on order which is supposed to taste like pipe baccy. V2 or supposed to make some good baccy flavours.
I couldn't find anything that tastes anything like ciggies. My all day vape is RY4 which has a caramel flavour to it. I did find Old Smokeys BNH was quite good.
Best ecig liquid do some tobacco flavours and some quite strong, but I've crossed nothing that is cig a like
Try House of Liquid - their juices do have a great cigar/cigarillo flavour. Also Aerovape Tuscano has a good cigarillo flavour, and many of the Bestcigliquid NET tobaccos are also good, though I've not tried that many (yet!)..

I normally recommend Manabush, but you have already stated that you're not after the caramel/nut flavours so, much as I love them, they might not be for you! ;)
Try House of Liquid - their juices do have a great cigar/cigarillo flavour. Also Aerovape Tuscano has a good cigarillo flavour, and many of the Bestcigliquid NET tobaccos are also good, though I've not tried that many (yet!)..

I normally recommend Manabush, but you have already stated that you're not after the caramel/nut flavours so, much as I love them, they might not be for you! ;)
Strange you should mention Manabush. I may have only been vaping a short time but don't think of them as tobacco flavours. To me they're my treat ( desert). I'm vaping best cig liquids Virginia that to me is not tasting like the Virginia I've known. Gold and silver is probably the nearest to a cig, but nowhere near the same taste. Old Smokeys BNH is probably the nearest I've got to a cig, but again nowhere near, but then it may be my taste buds
@Crag I vape very few juices that don't have any tobacco in them, and I promise you that you can taste the difference when you try their tobacco-free versions! :P

Having said that, I do know what you mean, and that's why I didn't recommend them in this specific situation. :)
@Crag I vape very few juices that don't have any tobacco in them, and I promise you that you can taste the difference when you try their tobacco-free versions! :P

Having said that, I do know what you mean, and that's why I didn't recommend them in this specific situation. :)

I have got some of their tobacco free that I'm yet to try, but will do soon as I'm curious now.
It's driving me mad at the mo having vapours tongue. RY4 is no different to gold and silver, and worse still I've been vaping 50:50 Chiricahua Sun and Omusa occasionally as my luxury vape, and I can't taste that the same as normal either at the mo.
As crewella said. House of liquid will get you closest to a cigar experience. Georgio from h.o.l. recommended puros dark to me and he was spot on. A real central, south american net tobacco. Rich deep flavours.
As crewella said. House of liquid will get you closest to a cigar experience. Georgio from h.o.l. recommended puros dark to me and he was spot on. A real central, south american net tobacco. Rich deep flavours.

Hi eyeball kid,
Thanks for the info, have bookmarked the site.
But it's only on pre order..................
Hi eyeball kid,
Thanks for the info, have bookmarked the site.
But it's only on pre order..................
You really can't go wrong with any of their tobacco liquids. Red vapes are also excellent (if a little pricey) part of the Nottingham tobbaco liquid triangle with manabush. Manabush are more a tobacco reimagining. Do love a little nanabhozo.
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