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Best tobacco aroma

You really can't go wrong with any of their tobacco liquids. Red vapes are also excellent (if a little pricey) part of the Nottingham tobbaco liquid triangle with manabush. Manabush are more a tobacco reimagining. Do love a little nanabhozo.

Yeah, Red Vapes are premium price.
But, sound good, buy some tomorrow, thanks.
I think the problem with tobacco favoured liquids is contained in your question. You ask which has the best flavour aroma. The truth is, while there are some that have a passable flavour, there are *none* that have a tobacco aroma. Of course, this is precisely why many vapers like vaping: it doesn't come with the stink of burning tobacco. But for ex-smokers, the overall sensation -- the constituent parts of the craving, if you like -- are hugely influenced by the aroma of burning tobacco. And it is a hugely powerful smell (and feeling). I don't think anything r replicates it.

I've been through a good number of bestcigliquid juices, some from OK Smokey, House of Liquids and Red Vapes. I gave up on all of them eventually because despite a good tobacco flavour here and there, none really *felt* like tobacco.

Manabush Nokomis is currently my favourite -- it's the least sweet and the most tobacco-like -- but as i say, within the limits that juice can be 'like' tobacco.

I've also tried mixing some Red Vapes juice in with other flavours and did find this gave extra punch.

Personally i think i have concluded that you can find a nicotine level that best replicates the throat hit of tobacco, and you can find a flavour that you like and which satisfies you. What you can't do is find a juice that recreates with the flavour and aroma of smoking. For that you need burning tobacco...
If your looking for tobacco flavours it's a good idea to have a look at Bestcigliquid. There tobacco flavours are NET and rather yummy [emoji4]
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