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Read mixed reviews about vru on this site, and can't find much specifically about strawberry milkshake from them either
Read mixed reviews about vru on this site, and can't find much specifically about strawberry milkshake from them either

I think you will always find mixed reviews on anything you buy some will like it others wont. Darkstar do some Flavours on the cheap side as well but i have never tried them yet.

Strawberry milkshake strangely enough is quite a vast flavour when it comes to vaping and many of them taste very different!!! ELR have a huge database of recipes, and many variations of strawberry milkshake, you probably need to narrow down your specific flavour combination as there are many strawberry concentrates and milk/cream bases, alternatively there are many one shots, chefs flavour do a couple. Unfortunately its really a case of trial and error, one thing I have learnt about vape flavours is that everyone is different and generally a highly rated and reviewed juice or recipe can taste like sewage to others!
Just ordered some strawberry milkshake from 'big juice' and also from vru, I will see how they compare once mixed and steeped
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