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Great do you have a link to the kit or a heads up on what im looking for?

Thanks so much x

I'm selling the kit above in the classifieds, have a look and pm me if interested, il throw in a bit of juice too

look in the classifieds and whit has a 900 mah starter kit as hes now moving up a bit...this would be perfect to see if you like it first...no juice im afraid but not hard to get hold of some...a lot of new users like menthol....i love it...try this first is my opinion...cheap to try and see if its for you :)....dont touch ecigalikes...youll only be spending more money after a week...as my sig on ukv says...'id rather tea bag a mouse trap than vape an ecigalike' ;)
I'd go for that too. It's perfect for you and cheap and you push a button and can see the juice:thumbup:
All you'd need is juice and replace the clearomisers when needed
As a new member natalie you may find you cant yet post in the classifieds. If so just make a few more posts and you'll be golden. Oh and welcome :)
Welcome Natalie, the best advice I can give you when first starting out vaping is.. stick with it no matter if you feel like smoking just keep calm and carry on vaping!
It'll feel a bit strange at first and might feel a bit uncomfortable for the first few days but trust me it gets a _whole_ lot better when your chest starts to clear out and
after the first few weeks it's so amazing you'll wonder why on earth you ever smoked in the first place!

just an update been on my vape for 4 days and havnt touched a cig!!!!!!!!
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