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Best way to clean uuuuurgh taste from atty?


Apr 15, 2013
I tried some doppio expresso eliquid in one of my clearo's didn't like it a great deal, so I flushed it out,disassembled the clearo (it's an iclear 16 with removable bits) soaked it in diet coke for 8 hours or so, then dunked in boiling water, dried it all off then dry burnt the atty for a bit.

put it back together, loaded it up with something juicy, but uuuuuuurghhah splaaaah, still that doppy doppio taste:11:
ive tried the above a few times to no avail, any ideas?
ive read vodka is good, but the nearest I have is lager and the missus wine!
I would just bin it, but I only have 2 clearo's as I already binned some complete crap ones I ordered that leaked like a vapers wallet.
I'd get some spirit vinegar and yh why not, hot water.
I'll be honest, I've never done it but I hear it works a treat. On Kir Fanis' site it says to wash new stuff with water and vinegar
I've had good results soaking attys in miltons sterilizing solution for a few hours, followed by a soak in fresh hot water, air dry and then a dry burn. Cheap too, I got a 1L bottle for £1.59 or something like that in boots, I used 15ml solution mixed with water to clean 30 juice bottles (ranging from 5ml to 50ml), a couple 306 attys, a couple cartos, and a vision eternity... so will last AGES.
recently jut bought a ultra sonic 7000 cleaner from maplins £29.99, (now back upto £44) but you can get them on ebay for £28ish, fantastic luke warm water a sterident tablet (no no no i dint have false teeth lol), did all my attys last night and got rid of pluid, grants fanrastic. also great for jewelry watches glasses etc, and very small and compact.

For strong juices I use a small shot glass with cheap Vodka - I know it's a waste of Vodka but it ALWAYS does the trick for me.
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