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Big Thanks to 'Todds Reviews' and all the Wizards on this Forum


Mar 19, 2013
Hi all from a :noob: to rebuildables, as well as to the forums

Sorry to be boring but just had to post. Up till now been vaping with TW products, but having read about the flavour and vapour decided to spread my wings (hence name of my intro post)

Bought a Vamo s/s an Aga T2 and an Aga S together with some 325 mesh (use VG heavy juice) and Kanthal 25 wire. (read that 20 can be a pain)

First ever try at wicking and coiling having watched all of Todds vids and read every post PoTV and it worked first time :18: It's taken me about 2 hrs just to do 1 wick and coil. . . BUT IT WORKS.

Vapour like the Flying Scotsman and more flavour than I've ever had out of Mystic Cola from Royal Vapours . . .so am I happy . . OH YEAH


1) Couldn't work out why after a while Vamo was showing 9.9 ohm and wouldn't fire, but would work on E Vic. . .searched forum and found that Aga prone to centre post prob when head unscrews a bit. I'd changed drip tip and this had moved head enough to lose contact. Quick twist and in biz again

2) Ohms are all over the place, initially did a 5/4 wrap and showing 2.2 so took a wrap off and seems to be about 1.4, although it goes up and down. Again from the forums probably spacing of the coils, again my fault as I cut the wick a little short so not got a lot of room to play with (but it works!!!)

Anyway I'm being boring now (did I tell you it works!!!!!) so I'll have a play and do another wick.

A big thanks to all on these wonderful forums who have inadvertently helped me, as well as to Todd who is a legend, :worship::worship: and I am definitely a convert to rebulidables.


(Did I mention it works :18::18: )
One piece of valuable advice (which I always ignore!!!)-if it works, don't do anything till you need to! I always get carried away and think yay, I'll try it again now! And everytime I bugger it up and it takes ages to get it right again, lol :)
If you use a finer wire it should have a higher resistance and therefore for the same resistance you'd need to wind more turns on your coil. The benefit is that you have finer control over the final resistance.
Happy man then???!!


One piece of valuable advice (which I always ignore!!!)-if it works, don't do anything till you need to! I always get carried away and think yay, I'll try it again now! And everytime I bugger it up and it takes ages to get it right again, lol :)

I know . . . but really need to sort this resistance out . . .hey what can go wrong :diy:

If you use a finer wire it should have a higher resistance and therefore for the same resistance you'd need to wind more turns on your coil. The benefit is that you have finer control over the final resistance

So would I be better off with the .20 after all? Strange at the moment, if I leave it for a minute, going up to 3.2, straight after a vape down to 1.4, but just checked again and down to 1.1

Thanks for all the replies

Well, just an update.

Sorted the bouncing resistance issue, think (remember I'm a noob) it was because the wick was on the bottom of the tank. Anyway, set up the 2nd Aga T2, burnt off the wick again, primed with juice and burnt off another couple of times, recoiled it and thanks to You Tube and Chris O for the shortcuts in coiling. Basically coiled outside the tank leaving tails for both connections, then into tank do up connections and voila. So much easier for a noob doing it like this, have a watch, not best quality but worth it for us who are new at this.

Anyway, whilst bored in front of telly as better arf hogged computer, watched this other vid by Zen. It's to do with the Z Atty Pro, but it's very good for showing how to remove hot spots, and shows how to tinker with the coils whilst firing. Far easier when the coils glowing

Anyway, thanks to these 2 it's all good, getting a constant 1.3 ohm which is a little lower than I would want, but it's working and it's constant :grin2: :grin2:

Tomorrow I'll sort the other 1 out and maybe have a go at the Aga S

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DaveB I know you state you're a noob, but were you handy/electrically minded before tinkering with such things? On a scale of 1-10, 10 being edison, 1 being, well, me?

I ask as I feel it really is something I should look into, but have no skills/work space/aptitude/patience

You said the first one took an hour, but hey.... IT WORKED! Having already blown up 2 mods, I'm reluctant to fanny about and go for the third, unless it is really, really easy :D
DaveB I know you state you're a noob, but were you handy/electrically minded before tinkering with such things? On a scale of 1-10, 10 being edison, 1 being, well, me?

On a scale of 1 - 10 . . in all honesty I'd be in minus figures. I can change a fuse and a bulb. I can change a battery in a car and you really have reached the upper limit of my skills. Oops I tell a lie, I can use one of those buzzy things to check for wires if I drill a wall, and that's my limit, not just electrical but DIY in general. Doesn't interest me in the slightest.

but have no skills/work space/aptitude/patience
Yep . . with you on all of those, except patience but then only if it's something I'm interested in. For example, the kitchen plug chain snapped in the sink just before Xmas. Bought a new one and fitted it 2 days ago, but only because I had to go to B&Q to get a blow torch to flame my wick :grin2: And I fitted it because I knew my 'other arf' would be so shocked she wouldn't see the 2 Aga T's, Aga S and Vamo sat on the desk. She did notice, but somehow it slipped out of my mouth that it was buy 1 get 2 free !

Having already blown up 2 mods, I'm reluctant to fanny about and go for the third, unless it is really, really easy :D

It isn't really really easy the first time, (whoa listen to the seasoned professional!!) but it isn't difficult. I wish I'd watched the 2 vids I posted before doing it first. The most difficult part I found was the first coil, trying to keep a constant tension, but the first vid shows you a very easy way of doing it. Likewise getting rid of hot spots and adjusting the coil, the 2nd vid shows you how to do it simply, along with making sure to ramp up the volts slowly in stages until everything broken in, rather than bull in a china shop. He says that most coils that blow only do so because of starting too agressive, start slow and 9/10 would have been ok . . who knows, but go on, give it another go, you know you want to!
:happy guys:

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