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Big Tobacco bets on e-cigarette future




E-cigarettes contain nicotine-infused water that is inhaled as a vapour and can be legally consumed indoors, not to mention on intercity coaches.
Some contain a red glowing end to resemble the burning tip of a cigarette, and are available with various tobacco-like flavours such as menthol.
They retail from about £20 for a “starter kit” containing a battery powered tube and vapour charges that contain several hundred doses.
As conventional smokers are encouraged to extinguish their butts through a mix of increasing state regulation of public consumption and high taxes, Big Tobacco and a host of independent companies – such as Skycig, Vapestick, Vapouriz, Ploom and Steamlite – are betting that smokeless cigarettes could be a future substitute.
E-cigarettes have been on the market for several years, but few solid statistics are available on their uptake among the UK’s 10m smokers.
I dont think there is a single factually correct bit of info in that....

"Vapour charges with several hundred doses"

"Nicotine infused water vapour"

"tobacco flavours such as menthol"


Some people do not know how to research a subject!
Generally if I want to know about something, I find its forum....that way you have a community of people experienced in that subject in a variety of different degrees.

This person has obviously just typed ecigs into google and read the first five results, and job done!
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