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Bill Goodshall Tobacco Harm Reduction update! MUST READ!!




Please click the link to read more!

This CDC data confirm that increasingly more teen smokers (like adult smokers) are switching to e-cigs, that e-cigs are gateways away from (not towards) cigarette smoking for teens, and that the CDC has been deceitfully misleading the public about e-cigs to lobby for FDA ban/regs.

"It's pretty clear to me that e-cigarettes have helped more people quit smoking than the 2009 Tobacco Control Act, all the FDA-approved smoking cessation drugs and all the government anti-tobacco propaganda programs combined," says Bill Godshall, executive director of Smokefree Pennsylvania.
On FDA regulation of e-cigs: "What it will do is effectively give the entire industry to big tobacco," Godshall says.
Good link, and we all know that vaping is a godsend and also prolongs our lives and makes us more healthy, BUT......
It is no good US knowing the prevalent facts, it is the MP's that should be reading and be aware of this, and the fact that THEY are supposed to represent US and know that we want them to do what is right for the greater good.
To many politicians 'think' that they know what we want, when in actual fact they have no clue whatsoever!
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