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Billet Box Porn

Thank you sir.

THESE a little shorter than the Vandy Vape ones, but are perfect for the Billet Box. Great deal too.
I thought it was those, I found them the other day but didn't order them, just spent 10 minutes trying to find them again so thanks for the link - I do like the Berserker style tips :)
Another one looking good, needs some writing inside, I've got some clear panels on the way,
Thank you sir!
I ordered another set from 3F which is where I got that set though SXK should be SXK no matter where you get them. These have been good to me. No real fitting issues though a very slight bit of play on the screen/boro side. Very slight. They're super clean, but that also makes them super shiny, which looks great in person, but make photography kinda tough with all those reflections.

I also have a vinyl cutter so I can print some self adhesive chrome writing for the inside as mine is mostly chrome/metal, I'm thinking:
Hand Built By Clonebots
Attack of the Clones :18:
Yes. I'm sure that would go over hyooj with some folks lol :rolleyes:

Is your vinyl cutter CNC too?

I was blown away. the difference is night and day. Who knows if the SXK copies are just not as consistent or if this is the shape of things to come? I imagine they use the same process for all the colors and just switch up the material, so you wouldn't think the color would matter. Or, I'm no expert, so maybe it does. In any case, these I just got are awesome.
My tanks boro tanks arrived today and you are right they are so much better, thanks for pointing this out!!
Hi buddies! Where to buy such a button?
My new clear panels and Boro arrived :)

Fire side looks bare so I am going to make some Vinyl cut stickers: Hand Cloned By Robots springs to mind but probably going to do it Vespa themed :)



Where is everyone getting these panels from??? I just ordered an authentic, crazy excited but I wanna customize the panels really bad and couldnt find anything
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