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Billow v2 leaking


Oct 11, 2014
Hi guys received my black billow v2 yesterday, I have been having some issues with leaking around the AFC ring could this be caused by my 50/50 juice should I make a batch of max vg, Any ideas would be great I'm running 26g dual coil 0.5 ohms.
Can you take a picture and show us how your build looks and where the end of your wicks sit? As long as you have enough cotton in and the wicks are sat in the juice intake on the deck it shouldn't be leaking.
Hi guys received my black billow v2 yesterday, I have been having some issues with leaking around the AFC ring could this be caused by my 50/50 juice should I make a batch of max vg, Any ideas would be great I'm running 26g dual coil 0.5 ohms.

Hi buddy I wouldn't think it's you juice as I have used 50 50 in mine without a problem what I would say is 1st check how much wick you are putting in the juice flow holes it should sit just in them not on top of them
ImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes1438448641.804913.jpgImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes1438448678.804434.jpg
The reason the first pic has so much wick is that I watched a video of a guy and this is how he wicked his, I'm thinking it's getting too saturated and dripping down into the airflow holes maybe, I also turned the AFC ring upside down so it wasn't as loose I read that in reddit
Still trying to get a hang of the 4 post design aswell my previous ADV was a kafun v4 clone

The reason for your leaking looking at your build is that your juice wells are not plugged so juice is coming up the channels getting on to your deck and filling up enough to go down your air flow. put less cotton in but a longer length and make sure the juice well at the bottom of the intake is nice fluffed but packed.

** I should add my billow v2 is due a new build so if you are struggling to work out my explanation drop me a PM and I will send you some pics before I juice it up
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The top pic looks like there is too much wick in the wrong places and not enough in the right places. The air hole under the coil needs to be kept clear of all wick, I try not to let any even touch the sides of it, if it does it will just wick juice there and then down the air hole it goes. The second pic looks a bit better in terms of wick around the air hole but still touching the edges by the look of it. Some of the juice channels look ok but some of them don't have enough wick in there or even covering it by the look of it. I have to admit I've not perfected my build for any of these dual coil RTA's but that's my view on it looking at the pics.
first to improve... remove cotton from arhole. avoid cotton contact with edge of arhole
TruckinVaper explained everything in depth.
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